Update Log Test


  • Tomorrow is just another day
  • 3.2 will be out when it’s ready :sob:


  • Auto Jump default setting has been set to false
  • Backpack now fully supports mobile users
  • Semi patch pup animations exploit
  • Revamped backpack UI
  • Fixed gun shell doesn’t despawn
  • Optimised gun shell spawning code
  • Fixed knife bouncing off gootraxes
  • Fixed backpack item going crazy
  • Fixed shift lock getting stuck bug
  • Reduced gun volume
  • Fully patched limbless exploit
  • Fully patched hats exploit
  • Fixed emotes not activating water splash
  • Fixed Kaiju not being able to tilt
  • Fixed Abble shop not working properly
  • Catte fully regains their health instead of missing a huge chunk.
  • Fixed Nightcrawler getting instantly killed if someone steals the kill from the pursue ability
  • Fixed tilting upon sitting on the chair
  • Recoded, organized and etc, around 100+ scripts
  • Fixed golden gravestone health being at 10k
  • Fixed auto translations problem
  • Fixed rainbow creature bug problem (unsure)
  • Increased knock back on buck’s throwing ability (Damage 25 > 35, Knockback 30 > 80


  • Patch instant kill and instant infect
  • Patch tool exploits (It’s going to be harder to exploits the tool cooldown now)
  • Fixed player list text glitch
  • Added anti-spamming (The same message cannot be sent more than 3 times in a row)
  • Fixed Panther blur not being removed properly
  • Fixed Ragdoll not occurring most of the time upon death
  • Fixed camera shaking intensely bug
  • Fixed Chocolate Reign texture not appearing
  • Fixed Explosion code formula
  • Slight nerf to Katana Damage from 24 to 21
  • Reworked brick code, it should be more accurate and smoother now
  • New Jammer animation - New VIP Jammer animation
  • Shade VIP has its own cosmetic
  • New setting UI
  • Players that just got spawned cannot be attacked until they grabbed a weapon or attacking
  • Fixed repeated recipe affecting the face cooler/melter recipe
  • New Lang tail by Ron1n_Sim
  • Fixed handwashing animation from soap interaction not playing for the fifth time - Made it so that grab won’t work against players that have a forcefield (The forcefield will despawn in 10 seconds or it will go away if you attack anything)
  • New GUI health for the golden gravestone. It also gives out 2500 credits instead of 30 credits now
  • Golden gravestone will relocate itself if the pup is standing on top of crystals.
  • The vending machine shakes a little upon being attacked + added health GUI to the vending machine
  • Added ;skip setting to the transmogrifying items. You can basically skip the wait time to become something like catte or shade An example: :tf me Jammer;vip=true;skip=true
  • Removed the health requirement for buck (Meaning you don’t have to be hurt to collect the grey bucket anymore) and lowered the grey bucket respawn time from 70 seconds to 50 seconds
  • Added more buckets around the map
  • Added new ability to buck called Throw but removed grab from buck for the time being
  • Fixed buck neon not glowing properly
  • Fixed Lemon shork being able to inflict blurriness to the target that has forcefield.
  • Fixed an easter egg for the catte bucket rotation flipping thing.
  • Fixed nametag button not reappearing (Unsure)
  • Readded Knife into the game
  • Extended anti grab time after escaping from 1.5 to 2 seconds (I might make a formula for anti grab time but it’ll be 2 seconds for now)
  • Recode the entire grab script and visualiser code
  • Players can no longer be grabbed through walls (According to the poll I made a while ago)
  • Catte’s eject ability bucket will only stop moving once it has completely stopped moving (Every 60 seconds in Africa a minute passes)
  • Fixed weapons not turning golden upon the last hit when the tool also breaks apart
  • The selected item inside the inventory bar is now highlighted in green text
  • Humans can no longer attack through walls (If it’s too buggy for both gootrax and human team I’ll revert this feature)
  • Replaced “[Hit]” in debug mode text with “[Wall Hit]”
  • Knife is now throwable at the cost of 3.5 durability limit (Hold the attack and the tool will enter the aiming state) (Hitting enemies in the head will deal 1.25 times more damage)
  • Removed knife from the shop
  • Golden gravestone should no longer spawn on the kaiju puddle below the crystals
  • Huge update on :hostile command
  • Changed :disableregen command to :toggleregen
  • VIP server kicking + banning cannot be used on the server owner now
  • Pup backpack
  • Optimised eat script
  • Drinking pressurized cola as a slimepup will make it explode on their face.
  • Kaiju now has 115 health
  • Slight tweaks to the shade and nightshade
  • Hazmat suits now protect players from shade and nightshade
  • Added :hostileall which works similar to :hostile except it’ll reapply the tag when the player respawns.
  • Rainbow pup turns into a radio upon being on someone’s back
  • Pup emits heart particles upon getting onto the matching color slimehound’s back << Will add a buff later on
  • Players cannot hit the pup if it’s on their back
  • Fixed players flopping like a fish upon exitting ragdoll
  • New shop UI (I’ll add in some of the options that are still missing from the shop like selling skins later on today)
  • Fixed credits dropped by diamond pup going through the ceilings
  • Skin combining will no longer give out the same skins that were used for combining.
  • Reduced banana price from 2 to 1 token
  • Nightshade ability to “Stare”
  • Low detail mode disabled a lot of GUI animations in the shop + optimisation on the shop
  • :give me gun to give all guns
  • Refined the bestiary
  • Added a mechanic where you get an infect point or kill point if you deal more than or equal to 75% of the total damage. (This is to prevent kill/infect stealing)
  • Optimised credits spawning code (It shouldn’t lag when diamond variants spawn tickets now)
  • Optimised debris code
  • Sync Shark movement to all players although I have to eliminate its pausing movement. (This has been requested for quite a while now yea)
  • Added RPG-7, Minigun Roomba (No longer a badge requirement), and Colt Python to tools folder.
  • Slightly increase diamond drop
    Pickaxe: 75% to 70%
    Legendaries: 5% to 10%
  • Added :rainbow,rb [player] for turning slime variants into rainbow variants.
  • Recoded the entire bestiary, it’s pretty optimised this time!
  • Map refining by Flip2050_1
  • Some low detail mode prop by Ron1n_Sim
  • Gootrax and Human icons on the board by Kazukyo_K4Z
  • Added visualiser to collecting diamond crate
  • Reworked the daily reward UI
  • Added a button for muting each radio separately
  • Fixed stationary shark
  • Decorations around the map
  • Low detail mode improvements
  • Added new entries for Slime Pup, Hound and dragon by YukaChaan
  • Killing the same gootrax type for 5 times unlocks their entries now
  • Grab will remain at 15 without increasing any further
  • Patched cooldown being bypassed by certain actions (hitting tree, using emotes, etc)
  • Candy cane collectable now spawns around the map
  • Changed “CyanGreen” color code to “Aqua” (You can still type cyangreen as well)
  • Replaced the non discovered entries text with how the said entry can be obtained.
  • Fixed hazmat suit damage reduction bug
  • Patched :hurt me nan and :health me nan
  • Fixed getting kick over datastore problem
  • Recoded :help command
  • 2 New special winter track by Fishcracks13

V3.1 Fixes

  • A lot of bug fixes
  • Camera shakes (Can be toggle within the setting panel)
  • Mochi revamp by xotile
  • New visualiser for guns in vip server
  • New poster by YukaChaan
  • Old hitbox is back
  • Fireworks


  • You can turn into the golden/diamond pup in vip servers now by simply adding an additional information like this :transform me SlimePup;Color=Gold or any color you want from this list:
White, Cyan, CyanGreen, Purple, Pink, Lime, Red, Diamond and Gold
  • Same goes for jammer with :transform me Jammer;VIP=true
  • As well as ConeKat too, :transform me ConeKat;Color=Really red (Although you would need the colors name from this website BrickColor | Roblox Creator Documentation)
  • Fixed Carneline Striker kill effect
  • Recoded backpack system
  • Fixed a lot of issue regarding the backpack problem
  • It is also mobile friendly now
  • Added rarity combining (Two of the same rarity will reward the same rarity)
  • Removed certain skin from the rarity upgrading list
  • Guns are no longer steal-able by pups
  • Fixed Prepare animation overlapped with the attack, grab animation
  • New kaiju faces by YukaChaan
  • Gootrax Accessories won’t move around on low detail mode + the hair color will change instantly as well
  • Ticket spawned by Diamond pup won’t go through the barrier now + won’t fall through the void
  • Ticket will eventually fall down if its position is way too high
  • Reduced zoom limit from 128 to 40
  • Added an animation for wearing the clothes of any kind
  • Changed KitKat name to ConeKat
  • Nerf Buck (with bucket) health from 150 to 130
  • Nerf Buck (without bucket) health from 150 to 110
  • Nerf Hazzy health from 125 to 110
  • Nerf Fig health from 125 to 115
  • Added Panther Bombarder
  • Nerf Kaiju Basher, Carneline Striker and Panther Bombarder durability from 30 to 20
:tf me conecta,Color=Li

The code will automatically assumed that the color is lime. - You can also choose the colors from the rgb color code as well. - Patched certain exploits

  • Reduced the hitbox points of bat
  • Optimisation to the Credits spawning from diamond pup
  • Increased M60 firerate
  • Redesign some of the faces for Fed, Nightshade and Shade
  • Fixed credits spawned by diamond pup going through the floors
  • Golden pup that leave before getting killed will turn into a grave stone. (Gravestone functions just like golden pup, killing it will give out badge + golden weapons)
  • Fixed certain fan not spinning accordingly
  • Huge optimisation on Footstep script
  • Huge optimisation on Gun’s shell ejection script
  • Ticket splash effect optimisation
  • Optimised gun script
  • Optimised Shockwave effect from bat and other weapons
  • Optimised Sledge Hammer effect
  • Optimised Carneline Striker kill effect
  • Optimised Kaiju Basher kill effect
  • Disabled Bamboo collision
  • Slight changes to diamond/golden, kaiju basher kill effect trail
  • Optimised the entire visualiser on the Power Outage event
  • Optimised the entire visualiser on the Blackout event
  • Optimised the entire visualiser on the Purification event ( It’s not out yet, I’m still working on it )
  • Fixed error with the Spiked Slime Pup variant
  • Reduced transfur sound range from 130 > 50
  • Optimised Kitkat drip effect
  • Patched :hurt me inf - :disableregen for disabling health regeneration (only works in vip server)
  • Pup killing prize has been reduced from 30 to 10 (It will be increased every time it shows hostility aka biting)
  • Tilt is now forced to be used - Optimised Tilting script
  • Fixed resizing character command and kaiju auto resizing breaking its tilt
  • :gravity,grav [number] for changing the entire game’s gravity value (to set back, type :grav default,def or 0)
  • Patched :health me inf breaking the health value
  • Container now glows during power outage
  • Bestiary has been expanded.
  • A lot of building optimisation done by Flip2050_1
  • Strange Crystal drop rate is now scaled with the amount of infect the target has. (0 Infect is pretty much impossible and 3+ infects is a (12% + some more percentage factor) guaranteed. The chance is scaled with infecting streak)
  • Panther now drops strange crystal - Optimised Vending machine destroying effect - Fixed :po and :bo command overlapping each others and causing errors
  • Katana and Kaiju remodeled by Ron1n_Sim
  • Golden Gravestone model won’t be seen by the players that was a golden pup that left the game.
  • Bathroom stall door thingy works now
  • Flashlight is added
  • Entire new gas zone and security zone by xotile and Flip2050_1
  • The light from the flashlight now irritates Panther eyes or in short, blurs the player’s screen.
  • Buff Panther health from 100 to 130 because they’re strong
  • Rework panther blocking scythe mechanic. The blocking will only work 50% of the time when no event is occuring. 75% 70% during Power outage and 90% 85% during Blackout.
  • Removed Tiger Shork, added something else instead.
  • Fixed sprint particle showing under water
  • Optimised water particle script
  • Barrier Effect
  • Added Nunchunks in vip servers

V3.1 Day 5 [Black Friday Sale]

  • All crate price has been reduced to 700. (Will only last for 3 days.) Ended

V3.1 Day 5 Mostly Bug Fixes/Patches update

  • :fart requested by uhh, you know
  • Added AA-12 , Claymore , Landmine , MAC-10 , SCAR PDW , Dual Desert Eagle , Dual MAC-10 to VIP Servers (Q, E to rotate claymore btw)
  • Included all (Get all players) and other (Get all players except yourself) for getting players with the command Example: ( :kill all )
  • New Abble sign shop made by Murd3rpngv1
  • New garden area by xotile
  • Bestiary soundtrack “Snooping” by Fishcracks13
  • Fixed being able to sell items with decimal
  • Fixed Toxic Rabbit color pattern
  • Added small animation to the Gun Roomba
  • Fixed an anchored part not being anchored
  • Added a small barrier to the fireplace in the secret room
  • :clear will also remove all of the Roomba
  • Some optimization on sound playing function
  • Fixed red sad stress ball not playing any sounds
  • Fixed slime pup dragon eyes not present while doing the smug emote -
    Reduced sound range from all of the tools + transfur sound range as well from (10000 > 60.01) (suggestion)
  • Completely disabled the tool resizing in vip servers.
  • Fixed guitar bug where the music and animation still plays while sitting + optimized code
  • Made it so that the gun roomba ejected shell go through the floor and despawn in 1.5 second (Reduced lag)
  • Added another silly Easter egg to Abble since I did some more progress on the new content update
  • Reduced ticket effect despawn time from 4 seconds to 2 seconds
  • Entering the shop in first person mode will no longer lock the mouse onto the middle of the screen
  • Bestiary will automatically close upon walking too far from the computer
  • Improved the bestiary code, it should fixed the bestiary not being able to load problem
  • Catalyst, Torched Bat and Scorch kill effect now change accessories color as well
  • :removeclaymoreroombas, rcr , :removegunroombas, rgr , :removeroombas, rr (suggestion)
  • Reduced Roomba chase ranged 150 > 70 (suggestion) - Revamped Fireplace in the secret room, better not glitch into it now if you don’t wanna burn (suggestion)


  • Fixed lights on the swords
  • Fixed :size command not working (Sorry, i accidentally disabled it on the test run)
  • Fixed cola
  • Fixed Barrier not reappearing / color not changing
  • Transfurred dummy will die upon entering the barrier
  • Dummy can go through doors now

V3.1 Day 4

  • Garden rework by xotile
  • Fixed rag doll respawning problem
  • Fixed certain accessory affecting the tool picking up system
  • Fixed kitkat not transferring the other person to the right color
  • Fixed ice bat kicking players (Unsure but it should be fixed)
  • Fixed slime pup dragon not being able to use sleep tool properly
  • Added clapping sound to /e applause
  • Fixed some skins displaying wrong colors
  • You can :give yourself guns now without having to starterpack it
  • Removed M4A1
  • Added :size command + a limiter to the size command (to revert back to your original size type :size [player] default,def)
Sidenote: Using size will break the tilt
  • Vending machine won’t be removed in VIP servers now.
  • Added :changemaxitem,maxitem [number]
  • Increased Face Melter volume
  • Added :fling,yeet,throw command
  • Added :explode and :explodenokill,enk command (Will ragdoll + damage players that is near)
  • Added :hazmat,hazmatsuit command
  • Added :serverban,sb and :serverunban,sub command
  • Added :dummy [health] command
  • Added :hostiledummy, hdummy [health] command (You’d need to enabled the hostile tag first in order to kill them, unless you’re going to transfur them)
  • Added :clear command (for clearing all of the dummies)
  • Added :fixdurability,fixtool,fda [player] [amount] command (for fixing tool’s durability, player must be holding something)
  • Added :changedurability,changedura,cda [player] [amount] command (for changing tool’s durability, player must be holding something)
  • Added :ping

V3.1 Day 3

  • Added a computer by Flip2050_1
  • New Bathroom re-model by xotile
  • Fixed reequipping skins reset the tool’s durability
  • Fixed some of the transfur item that heals the user upon equipping them
  • Fixed transfur not giving out full hp to the user
  • Fixed buck transfur not working properly (Unsure)
  • Fixed fused kitkat not being able to use certain emote
  • Fixed kitkat tail color changing feature
  • Fixed kitkat fusion not visualising its other head for newer players
  • Fixed bestiary mouse hover bug
  • Fixed players getting kicked with “Reason”
  • Fixed rare variants giving out credits in VIP server
  • Fixed Golden pup duping golden items
  • Fixed name being censored for certain users after changing it back to your own name + name changing improvements
  • Fixed Buck shirt and pants texture
  • Fixed plantix buff being applied to all gootrax
  • Added 2 new emotes: facepalm and applause
  • Fixed Purification, it won’t spawn in vip servers, around 10% every hour
    Purification is put on hold for now because of game breaking bugs.

V3.1 Day 2

  • Disabled kaiju resizing tools in vip server
  • Fixed Blackout breaking the game
  • Fixed Mesh texture being a lego studs (Unsure)
  • Fixed Mesh lagging
  • Bump the golden variant killing prize back up to 2500, since it doesn’t have any kind of special reward yet.
  • Updated game-credits + in-game bestiary credits for Mochi, Transfur made by FriendlyYanely
  • Kitkat Mesh replacement by Ron1n_Sim
  • Fixed attack not working
  • Human will recieved the same buffing as gootrax (Defense point mechanic)
  • Pup biting no longer gives out the barrier blocking effect
  • Added barrier indicator
  • Fixed attack tool not working
  • Fixed certain tools not emitting the sounds while walking
  • Fixed Barrier not properly remove blockage sometimes
  • Nerf kitkat fusion health addition from 35 > 22 20
  • Increased cola despawn time from 20 to 60 - 70 secs

V3.1 Day 1

  • Removed a gootrax health balancing, it’s too wacky
  • Added a gootrax defense balancing mechanic instead
  • Fixed Vending Machine dropping way too many credits
  • Fixed players not being able to pick up some tools
  • Fixed water bug (Unsure)
  • Fixed some of the transfur that can instantly be discovered.
  • Fixed players getting kick randomly
  • Added a kitkat fusion limiter, only 3 2 may exist at the same time
  • Fixed Ragdoll not applying the omen properly
  • Added new gootraxian: Sinox made by Snowdoggie100

V3.1 Day 0

  • Fixed knife instant kill
  • Fixed game randomly kicking players out
  • Fixed rare variant being able to turn others into rare variant
  • Fixed Kitkat head vanishing bug
  • Fixed problem with the bestiary on the first person
  • Fixed doors not working in the cafeteria
  • Fixed bite not working
  • Fixed food eating message not appearin

V3.1 Part 1


  • Vip server commands, type :help to check them out!
  • Bestiary
  • Gootrax balancing & Balancing in general


  • Added skins crafting (not to be confused with rarity upgrading)
  • Golden and diamond variants can no longer die by the crushing gate
  • New setting: Auto jump disabling option for mobile user
  • Fixed Shockwave effect not fully applying because of Roblox new basepart size update.
  • Fixed Dream knife skin description
  • Chatbox is now resizable
  • You can change your name tag color in vip servers now
  • Name changing also saved now
  • Panthers can block the scythe attack and will take only 1/2.5 of the original scythe damage (They strong) + cancelled ragdoll + but they became a little slow temporary
  • Added an easter egg related to certain emote
  • SlimePup spike thingy now vibrate just like the crystal (From the suggestions)
  • Added a setting that disable in-game skins music (It’ll disable all of the special sounds emitting from the weapon ex. Music, bat saber sound, etc) (From the suggestions)
  • New tool damaging visualiser
  • New daily reward visualiser
  • New Shop buying visualisers
  • Pup and gootrax can no longer slide under the shelf (Added barrier there)
  • Improved gold weapons kill effect
  • Added rainbow slime hound and rainbow slime pup dragon, though it only exist in vip server as an Easter egg.
  • Fixed Golden Sledge Hammer kill effect
  • Slime pup variants transfur will always give you the transfur-er’s colour instead of randomly selected (Also included spike and ghost variants)
  • Face melter is now louder
  • Fixed the “they’re wild open now” quote
  • Bathroom and Freeze storage by xotile
  • Increased the barrier size in the pillar room
  • You cannot use !rejoin to join the same server while being a golden/diamond variants
  • Hair and accessories slowly faded into colors instead of turning instantly
  • Added bestiary, so you can keep track of how many kills, infects and the amount of times you became the gootraxian in question (In order to unlock a gootrax info page, you have to transfur at least 5 players consecutively (5 transfur streak to be precise) (excluding slime pup which you can instantly obtain it)
  • Kaiju is now 1.1 times bigger than its normal size
  • Head removal exploit no longer works
  • Patched tool kick exploit + tool durability manipulation exploit
  • Fixed LDM affecting slime pup transparency
  • Barrier effect removal is now included in LDM mode
  • Falling Container are fully glowing in Blackout
  • Hid the saving indicator
  • Switched the nick name ui to the left side
  • Fixed Various guitar skins error
  • All weapons in abble’s shop are now free in VIP servers
  • Increased the gas rate (0.004 > 0.005/s)
  • Lang now emit gas (0.002/s) and can goes up to (0.01/s) if there are 5 of them nearby (it cannot go above that threshold)
  • Lemon shork will blur players for 5 seconds every time they’re grabbed by them or 1 in 3 chance from being attacked by them (the blur isn’t that big of a deal but it’s stackable)
  • Buff protogen self destruct speed 12 > 20 (human sprinting speed is 23)
  • Removed all of the commons from the unusual gift
  • Added vip server commands (I’ll make the menu later, type :help to see all of the available vip commands, go wild yea)
  • Added another setting option for disabling new ui weapon effect visualiser (The default setting will be off)
  • Grab now teleports player to the grabber location if they’re behind something
  • Added several more food items
  • Some of the previous item spawning spot spot now spawns in random items instead of just a specific ones (Also added brick to the spawning item list but they’re very rare)
  • Pup jumping cool down is increase by 1.5 seconds if they’re holding a stolen tool
  • Rework the fusion code, any equipped tool will be removed beforehand
  • new barrier system (getting hit by a gootrax or attacking them will prevent you from going back inside the barrier for 12.5 seconds at max) (I might remove this feature if it’s too annoying)
  • Tree can be chopped down with an axe now (hit it 75 times) and it’ll anger some of the gootraxian for doing so
  • Attacking trees near plantix or cutting it down will result in a plantix buff (it’s attack will inflict a poisonous gas that slowly eats away the target) (hazmat halved the damage in half)
  • Remodeled catte since it’s too saturated
  • Patched pup stealing blacklist tool exploit
  • Crystals now beats manually instead of automatically using time stamp (aka it beats more accurately with the music beat)
  • Added Purification event (It won’t be available in VIP server)
  • Added a command for toggling blackout and power outage in vip servers (You gotta survive the respective event first in a public server, being in any team is fine as long as you made it out alive)
  • Fixed gold and diamond not being able to go inside the spawn zone once the barrier is down
  • Fixed some of the spelling/grammar errors
  • Pup bite no longer kill the grabber or its target
  • Brick goes through the doors frame during blackout
  • Fixed Crystal glitching through players during power outage
  • Limb removal exploit is no longer possible
  • Gootrax that is on ragdoll will received a damage reduction by 35% and just 17.5% for gootrax with stunning effect
  • Changed the colours for the kaiju basher kill effect
  • Reduced Omen duration by 150% (9 secs to around 6)
  • Ragdoll effect is now applied to the omen time
  • Fixed Jammer face changing midway while “Jamming”
  • Ghost fox can phase through players for 3 seconds once they got hit with 10 seconds cool down
  • Catte can eject it’s bucket and pick a new one up at the cost of 25 health point (can only be use if their health is higher than 25)
  • Updated the steal tool to be more secure
  • Some aquatic zone decoration by Flip2050_1
  • New secret room design by xotile
  • Update the water visualiser script
  • Increased the protogen water damaging cooldown (1 > 1.5 sec)
  • Protogen doesn’t need to move in the water to be damaged anymore, they can stand still and it’ll still inflict the damage
  • Same goes for taser
  • Fireaxe/Emergency axe will be available once 18 or more gootraxian is in the server or during the blackout event
  • Added a gootrax health balancing, they’ll gain more health if all of these conditions are met
  • New spawn radio track by Fishcracks13, Updated n Upgraded, it’ll play along with the other sound track
  • Replaced the radio model + add a small visualiser onto the radio
  • Tweak kitkat
  • Kitkat melts in water (they take big damage)
  • Added kitkat fusion, works like the one in TuF (For those who played it before ofc)
  • Bucket turns darker during blackout, wonder what it’s for hmm
  • Ghost fox now blinks
  • Disabled the credit stealing feature from the diamond pup (I’ll rework the thing)
  • Kitkat doesn’t drip while moving through the water
  • Diamond and gold no longer received any of the healing from food
  • Reduced the golden pup credits reward from 2500 to 1500
  • Reduced the diamond pup credits reward from 4000 to 2000
  • Every time the diamond pup is hit, it’ll drop some credits (The amount of credit is the going to be the amount of damage you dealt to the pup)
  • Added an explosion of credits once the diamond pup died (the amount of ticket spawning is scaled with the amount of players presented in the server)
  • Small glowing effect to the crate
  • Some new gootraxians, will spoil later
  • omen mechanic will completely be disabled if the amount of gootrax is way too low (Gootrax < Humanoid/7 + must be a server that has more than 27 plyrs)
  • Redid fusion visualiser
  • Vending machine now drops at least 60 credits upon breaking it (suggestions)
  • Eating Watermelon near melon shark increase it’s anger meter (DOESN’T DO ANYTHING YET (but if i see you eat it then i’ll do something instead) , The ability will be added on part 2)
  • Removed character resizing vip command (Will be reworked on later)
  • Added transfur command, you can only use it if you’ve discovered the said transfur
  • Bug fixes

V3.0D Bug Fixes

  • Emote Selection is fixed
  • Settings section no longer bugged out
  • Ice bat will no longer kicks players from the game
  • Golden axe should emits light now
  • Pup can no longer bite players if they’re dead
  • The weapon animation should no longer glitch upon being stolen.
  • Fixed Spoonful not having its signature animation
  • Updated name changing filtering system
  • Update omen system, I messed something up in the code that makes all of the bats inflict only 3 seconds of omen time instead of 3 * 3
  • Fixed guitar animation glitch
  • Fixed gootrax grabbing bug
  • Fixed LDM getting rid or some of the rocks
  • Lemon no longer heals pup


  • Changed red, green and blue bat drop chance percentage
  • Fixed certain invisible parts that players can walk on
  • Fixed Abble shop bug where it still display “back” option despite not being in a skin page
  • Barricade appears as a concrete part instead of nothing in low detail mode
  • Changed solitaire skins description
  • New Katana hit detection, so you don’t fling anymore + ignore certain parts like barrier
  • Buff Katana striking range by 1.5 studs + buff minimum strike range by .75 studs
  • Custom Food eating sound for burger with a chance of 1 in 10
  • Golden variant gives out assist upon leaving, apparently diamond variant only gives it out but this issue has been fixed.
  • Both Golden and Diamond Pup will not be able to reset nor entering spawn to reset.
  • Rainbow pup no longer turns stolen item rainbow
  • Omen bar time has been increased (x3.125 > x3.5)
  • Removed collision from the ceiling truss in the cave area
  • Daily reward improvement, there shouldn’t be any dataloss with the dailyreward now, hopefully
  • Improvements on the transfur code, the equipping animation glitch shouldn’t occur anymore, hopefully.
  • Optimisation on the footstep code.
  • Remove collision from diamond crates, so you can’t fly away with it anymore.
  • Lang refinement, meshes by Ron1n_Sim , faces by me
  • Carneline refinement, meshes by Ron1n_Sim, faces by me
  • Added some panther meshes by Ron1n_Sim
  • New walk animation by HZDRT
  • New forklift model made by Ron1n_Sim
  • Forgot to include this a while ago but new track “Transit” composed by Fishcracks13
  • New emote: T-Pose, Agree, Shrug, (Aero by HZDRT),
  • Major optimisation on Shop Gui, Emote menu, Emoji menu and in-game setting menu (the game crashing rate should be reduced tremendously (hopefully))
  • Fixed Death Screen effect
  • Small fixes to the pup + added another Easter egg to it
  • Fixed stolen tool appearing on character without being a pup
  • Buff Protogen health upon using self destruct
  • Added a daily reward timer next to the chat
  • Client stats should be invisible now whenever the menu is opened.
  • Increase the chance for getting good items from diamond crate (80, 17, 3 to 75, 20, 5)
  • Refine transfur code + remove one of the transfur
  • Added custom sell price for specific weapons
  • Increase Diamond drops sell price Pickaxe: 300 > 1500 Molten Sword: 3500 > 5000 Solitaire: 7500 > 13500 Crystal Gasher: 7500 > 13500
  • You earn 5 tokens for every 5 kill streaks instead of 2
  • Fixed players not receiving nailed bat for joining the group
  • Fixed crowbar not damaging gootrax in VIP servers
  • Colas are more explosive now, try not to shake it too much when you open it
  • Golden Pup now drops a single golden bat upon death or leaving the game
  • Added 2 new facial expression to carneline as an experiment (I might apply the entire thing to all of the transfur if it goes well (public opinion))
  • Recoded both type of colas
  • Consumption of bloxy cola will now slowly regenerate your health by 35 points
  • Refine all of the in-game tools’ code
  • Huge Optimisation on ALL melee system + upgraded the hitbox detection. (Debug mode should create less lag than before / the hitbox might be good or bad depends on players’ pings)
  • Tool’s cooldown bypassing bug should be patched now (Hopefully)
  • Eating/Drinking sounds are server sided now, meaning that you can hear other people eating and drinking food
  • Patched dragon pup being able to attack while sleeping.
  • Fixed watermelon bat skin not appearing correctly
  • Fixed Mochi not having a tail
  • Carneline Striker crystal thingy also vibrate during the power outage
  • You can obtain cruel act badge with any weapons instead of just a bat now.
  • Fixed containers animation glitching
  • Fixed golden bat range extension + reduced it’s knockback power as well as changing its sparkle particle.
  • Fixed being able to glitch outside of the window area, you can still glitch yea but you’ll fall through the map as a result
  • Added 9 new golden weapons (All of them cannot be steal by a pup)
  • Carneline no longer “kills” while using attack during the poweroutage
  • Added bite tools (Deal 6 11 damage to human team and 3 5.5 damage to gootrax team) with a cooldown of 8 seconds - replace the hazmat suit with the one Stew_Fox made
  • A lot of bug fixes
  • Shorks also wag their tails now (Part of the shork week i literally failed to update in-time)


  • Fixed shop text bug
  • Fixed crowbar not dealing any damage to gootrax
  • Nerf brick price 8 > 6
  • Barrier visualiser whenever power outage or blackout is over
  • Fixed sound problem with the stealing ability (Face Cooler, Melter, batsabers)
  • All rainbow cycling effect should be slower for mobile users 0.03 > 0.5 0.75 second
  • Low Detail mode improvements, reduced 1.5k 2.7k MeshParts, 4 - 5k parts, etc
  • Parts optimisation, removed around 200 MeshParts
  • Fixed not being able to toggle sprint option
  • Another optimisation
  • Added skin effect removal
  • Fixed brick giving out wrong amount of credits upon killing golden or diamond pup
  • Fixed jammer seat glitching
  • New Protogen starts up sound by Fishcracks13
  • Optimised pup steal code
  • Removed cafeteria seats
  • Figs Remodel, Meshes by Ron1n_Sim
  • New Transfur Animation, it looks 100% more natural than the previous one
  • Fixed the game not counting gootrax as fully killed
  • Fixed arms hitbox for gootrax team
  • Fixed emote overlapping with the transfur animation
  • Animations no longer pause after getting transfurred

How do I use this thing lol.