Update on Verified Badges

There’s currently a lot of us experiencing this- both game and UGC groups. Our groups were verified but we’re still waiting on verification for our accounts.

Note that profile verification from group games is currently paused though.

Hopefully we’ll hear soon when contributors can be verified again. Perhaps with a few changes to keep bad actors out, eg. requiring a minimum total payout threshold (would severely increase the price to ‘buy verified’).

Right now, it’s a waiting game.


“Badges for group owners will continue to be issued” I own the group and still haven’t received it

Good catch, thanks! I’ve updated my post. Haven’t seen group owners (from game playtime) getting verified though. Hopefully the next wave corrects that.

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I own a group that has been verified this wave and haven’t either. Hopefully it’s just shortly delayed for group owners.

When was the group made and have you transferred ownership?

The group creation date shouldn’t matter, but just over a year ago. Never transferred ownership.

I am eligible to get verified and for some reason I haven’t received it yet in this verification wave, while other people did.

How will verification be handed out? Is there a form or do I have to email roblox support? My game is on track to be at 1m+ gameplay hours in less than 90 days. And will my gameplay hours from a few weeks ago count? (And on a side note, will the developer awards ever come back?)

A response I got from contacting support in hopes I wouldn’t be left feeling insignificant as a developer in ROBLOX, and denied a verification badge that I earned and many others did too. (Apparently even when the criteria say otherwise, I got told it was “invite-only”…?)

They haven’t verified any group owners yet with this wave, don’t worry you’re not alone.

this is the response everyone gets when they contact support i got that same one word for word

I got the same exact response!!

It’s over bro :broken_heart:


Hi! :wave:

Just curious - as the verified badge check got paused for quite some time, I did reach the UGC requirements by the end of last year.

Is there a possibility some creators get additional checks to gain the verification badge? Or would it need to be earned with the next wave?

I think it’s because group owners count as a contributor since they contribute to the game in a group instead of owning the game directly. Who knows? it could be that or just some mix up in the Roblox code.

They stated that group owners should be getting them, unlike contributors

“Badges for group owners will continue to be issued”

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I’ve met the requirements for playtime in February, does that mean that in April I should receive the badge?

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You’ll get your badge once the next verification wave takes place.

Will the group owners get verified this month ?