Update ProcessReciept sample code to utilise DataStore 2.0

Issue Description
This page’s code sample suggests saving a datastore key that logs transaction history. There is nothing wrong with this.

I’m simply suggesting to update the DataStore code to utilise the tagging feature of DataStore 2.0 so that Roblox can handle the logs for you. I’ve recieved an erasure request for a UserID, and since I’ve used this logging code, it’s a bit of a nightmare to remove the logs since the purchase IDs are pratically random.

Then again, ListKeysAsync exists, but the code should still be updated to support tagging and tag the key with the user ID.

Issue Area: DevHub Content
Page URL: MarketplaceService.ProcessReceipt


Thanks for your report! We’ve triaged the issue and will follow up when it has been resolved.


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