I’m the leader of the team myself, but it made me question myself if 2 people from the same team submitted, will it affect the other teammates?
Hello i am here to ask on how much does it take to get a message to know if my game got valid so that i can get the participation medal?
I linked every asset in my game that i worked with my friend i think it has passed 4 days and still no response to see if the game is valid
Can we use avatar items made by other users who aren’t in our team? I know we’ll have to document them but do we need permission to use them?
Out of curiosity of my chances of winning, what is to stop people from coping and pasting work that is years in the making? What is to stop people from only having 5 developers? Can’t anyone submit a game years in the making or have more than 5 developers? What is in place to prevent this because if the answer is nothing, than anyone, including myself, who is following the rules already lost.
This is awesome! cant wait for the results!
about c/p games, im quite positive that the people who will be checking the games, will disqualify those, who copied, you cannot submit a game which was in the making before the contest, it has to be made march 4-14, and, nothing is stopping you from having more than 5 devs, but when you submit your game, you can write the names of only 5 members, so its pointless in getting more than 5
Only just learned about this now… Well best of hope to everyone…i wish I’d joined…
you can still join :D, just submit your game before the 14, from my understanding
I can’t make a game in three days
It doesn’t have to be good, or, at least to participate, to win, on the other hand, yeah, that sucks, oops
Unless they’re going to check when every single asset was created, for every single game, I don’t see how they can properly confirm this. I think we just have to put trust in the other people entering.
u can export the whole thing into another place that was made on march 4
Does it forcefully need to have the creation date of the 4th of march? (example, i created the project the 8th or so. Would that affect anything?)
No it doesn’t it just have to be created before the challenge starts (March 14th)
Only one person from the team needs to submit the form
Im the team leader, but, What about picahiedras (our teammate) gonna do about his forum submits, can he delete them?
If another team member has also submitted an entry, there is no problem
Oh so that means if I submitted and picahiedras did too there is no problem?
Yes, there is no problem on that