[Update] Roblox Developer Dream Jam!

(Please note that this follow-up announcement is about the recently postponed community event. Thank you all for your patience! Take some time to review those changes here.)

Hey developers and @Game-Jammers,

Get ready, it’s that time again! That’s right, another challenge is here! Put your hands together for… (drumroll please🥁):


Roblox Developer Dream Jam

Not sure how it works? We’ll show you!

Rules and Guidelines

  • You and all your team members must be registered on the Developer Forums in order to participate.
  • The theme and evaluation criteria will be announced in the Roblox Developer Dream Jam announcement on the DevForum on March 4th, 2022.
  • Your team’s experience must follow the Roblox Terms of Use and the Terms and Conditions for this challenge.
  • Each team can have two to five members, which can be composed of members from any community.
  • You can only be a member of one team and you are not allowed to change teams during the event.
  • This challenge will have two phases to develop the experience. You can only create/edit your experience during these timeframes.
  • External resources can be used as long as they are all listed in the submission survey and you have the rights to use them.
  • The experience link and the premade assets used must be sent through the submission form.
  • Your game must be created during the challenge timeline

Your team and experience must follow all the rules above to be considered a valid submission.


As seen in the calendar above, developers will have ten days to create an experience based on the theme, when it’s announced on March 4th, 2022. Remember, you do not have to spend the full 10 days working on this - take as much or as little time as you’d like! After, there will be a short period of two weeks to allow our judging panel to select the top ten experiences! At this point, a vote will open where everyone will have the chance to vote on their favorite experiences!

After the community vote, the winning teams will have the opportunity to refine, update, and make ANY changes to their experiences that they deem necessary. These changes must be made AND published by April 12th at 11:59 PM PST.

After another week of review by our panel of judges, the top three experiences will be announced! These will be the first, second, and third place winners of the Roblox Developer Dream Jam!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?

Anyone and everyone is invited to participate!

Member of an international community? Find your community here!

Can I work with my friends?

Of course! Feel free to collaborate with your fellow developers! Developers may work in teams of TWO to FIVE members, and with anyone from any community!

10 days? That’s a long time!

Yep! We want to give developers a chance to work on it when you have the time! This challenge is completely optional, and taking the full ten days to make the experience is also completely optional! Feel free to spend as much or as little time as you’d like to work on this challenge.

Prizes :tada:

Not only the grand champion will receive a prize! Check out all the placements that will be awarded!

  • 1st Place: A $1,000 USD credit towards a gaming laptop or desktop of your choice, 256 GB Oculus Quest 2, AND Xbox Series S
  • 2nd Place: 256 GB Oculus Quest 2
  • 3rd Place: Xbox Series S
  • Semi-finalists: $50 Roblox Gift Card
  • Community Playoffs: $25 Roblox Gift Card
  • All valid participants will receive an exclusive virtual item

Roblox Developer Dream Jam Medal GIF

The Theme & Evaluation Criteria

This is the moment you’ve all been waiting for! The theme for our Roblox Developer Dream Jam is…

Your Dream Experience!

Starting on March 4th at 9:00 AM PST, you have TEN days to submit your experience! All submissions can be made HERE and are due by March 14th at 11:59 PM PST.

One important thing to note about this challenge is that we will be focusing on FOUR main categories that you will be evaluated on. We’ve provided the four categories and some examples of each below!


This refers to the use of new technology in your experience! This could be Roblox-made technology or your own new technological advancement!

Immersive Gameplay

Some examples of things we look for in regards to Immersive Gameplay are…

  • Large worlds
  • Reactive UI and audio
  • Voice chat
Visual Appeal

When looking for Visual Appeal in an experience, some examples of things we look for are…

  • High fidelity (Use of textures, lighting, etc.)
  • Visual effects (VFX)

Does the experience present new and fresh ideas? Are there interesting mechanics present? Think outside the box!

Ready to submit?

Head over to our submission form to submit your experience!

Need help finding a team?

No problem! Head over to our Matchmaking Thread to find teammates! Additionally, you can join our Roblox Global Developers Guilded server!

Good luck, and happy developing!

Developer Engagement Team



This is going to be so fun. Best of luck to all of the participating devs! :grin:


Can’t wait to see everyone from around the world coming together for this event!! :globe_with_meridians: :tada:


This is majorly so exciting! I am speechless :joy:
Good luck to anyone who is participating :wink:


Definitely going to participate in this!

Good luck to everyone! :slight_smile:


I sadly don’t have a team or friends who know how to make games, anyways good luck


Good luck to the participants; also, is it just me, or are the number of things abbreviated “RDC” starting to pile up?


Good luck everybody that’s participating!


This is exciting!
Good luck to all the people that are going to participate and bring the global Roblox community all together for this event! :tada::tada::tada:


Im really exited for this event! Can’t wait to participate. I wish everybody good luck!


Quick interpretation question:

If you had a team of three(3) and won first place, would you only get one(1) quest or would you get three(3) since that’s how many members are in your team?



Good Luck!
On All the Roblox Developer!


Hey a question, if a team of 5 won, will everyone in the team get the price or one of them will get it?


Can’t wait to participate! Going to give it my all! Goodluck to everyone


This sound like a fun challenge! I will happly be doing this challenge! Good Luck to everyone!


cant wait for this!! good luck to everyone participating


This will be my first game jam I am participating in. Nervous but I am still excited nonetheless. I feel like this will be a good experience for everybody and I wish you all the best!


It says multiple times that everyone are allowed to participate, but does this include banned users ? I know it’s going to be hard with my IP ban, but still possible.


Sounds like fun! Might take part in this.


Each member will receive their own prize! For example, if a team of 5 members wins first place, each member will get the first place prize :slightly_smiling_face: