Update to Developer Forum Entry Process

Also another concern of mine is will new members be invited to RDC? As a new member I was invited to RDC 18, but will I be invited again? The meaning of new member has changed and I fear that I wont be invited. I attended RDC EU 18 and it was great. I personally don’t think new members should be invited, inviting an alt of someone who isn’t a developer? No. There are many new members out there who deserve to be invited and many who I don’t think should be invited. I hope this is solved, because inviting all new members is a horrible idea but so is not inviting any new members.


Isaac made a joke about that earlier but it’s a topic that needs addressed by DevRel for sure


How will this affect RDC USA / EU invites?

Last RDC it seemed like all New Members and Full Members were invited.

That doesn’t seem likely for the upcoming RDC especially if more and more people are becoming New Members.

Will just Full Members be invited?


I predict that New Members will soon be treated as solely regular players. With an automated system, DevRel will work their hardest to promote the good New Members to Full Member- making that rank mean less too.


Guess I’ll have to try and catch bugs and figure out some feature requests to get promoted :sob:


Instead of giving active random people membership, we should open a seperate forum for anyone to ask their development questions and stuff, just like the “Scripters” category in the old Roblox forum.


exactly like @en_oe said earlier


That’s extremely unlikely and not a viable solution.

It just creates more work for staff and more disconnect.


Yet, we’re past the point of no return. They won’t reopen the forums in fear of another Quackity situation and it’s obvious they won’t remove the automated system because it has already been in the works for over a week.


Since some people asked, these are my views on RDC for this year.

Last year the invitation was, to my understandings, as follows:

  • First were invited the Top developers, Jailbreak as an example;
  • Afterwards Regular Members, together with New Members;
  • And finally, through application, required to be a developer and send creations;

I believe nothing significant will change.
But, since now we have a lot of New Members, I speculate that the RDC will prioritize Members’ invitations more than they did last year and we might not have to open to non-devforum members. Theres a high possibility that most spots will be filled by Members.

The public was already invited to the Conference, having New Members won’t change that in any way.


It’s essential for you to remind everyone viewing that what you’re saying is pure speculation, however.


A lot of new members that were invited will be disappointed in the way you suggested, I can’t imagine they make this happen. If they do, I’ll honestly be disappointed, because many of my friends are indeed new members…


Yes, once again I am not a staff nor a Top Contributor, I am only speculating. Everything I said in this thread reflects my own opinion.


Yes, another option is inviting the New Members who went last year. But once again, I believe the RDC system will be MAINTAINED, regardless of this new Entry process.


Before reading I didn’t like the change (of course a biased opinion from someone who had to wait a bit longer than usual), but after reading I think this is not such a bad change. I’m glad the dev relations team took this route! Welcome new members! :slight_smile:


Wow that is how I got accepted. I thought it was my application that got me in. Good job roblox staff.


I believe this quotation from Lilly is what the essential arguement for an automated system is. Although we agree that it was broken, we asked for a solution because the applications were ineffective. The next step would be to find a way to prevent bad actions and bad people (scammers, exploiters, etc) from entering the forum; nonetheless, we cannot ignore that this was the first step to a larger community.


I just don’t quite understand how this works;

Too many applications to handle all the applicants with a limited amount of people, yet 3 lead_top_contributors is sufficient to carefully check and handle the multiple posts all of the newly admitted people produce?

If anything this seems much harder to scale.


I think most old new members and full members agree that this change has many issues that need to be fixed.


The promotion system will be changed. I talked about this in this post.