Update to Developer Forum Entry Process

as stated above, it’s probably too late…


Is there a way to see how many new members have joined over the past 2 weeks? I heard that it’s 5-10 per hour but don’t know if that’s true


This seems like it’ll be fine if moderated correctly, but it’ll REALLY have to be moderated correctly to set examples as to the quality control not going down on here. I see a lot of people saying “non devs will have no interest in coming here because x” but that is absolutely not true, vindictive kids will wait and do whatever they can to become a part of something they want, even if it doesn’t apply to them. I worry about the small devrel team being able to handle it, otherwise this is just going to become roblox forums 2, and the roblox forums had to be cut off because of how awful they got in the first place.

Not looking forward to LMaD types who were insanely cruel, nasty, and willing to break into peoples accounts or do other trashy actions having another place to even post with a three strike system, I hope it will be handled quickly.

I also hope RDC ticket purchasing doesn’t become some rat race where hundreds of people are on at once waiting for the page to go up and hoping they got through the site quickly enough to ensure they got a spot.

Remember, there’s a difference between elitism and quality control.


Not only Members or old New Members aren’t satisfied with this change, even the recently accepted New Members have their regards. Everyone knows it has flaws, and can eventually be exploited.

Much like the removal of tix, server list change and anthro, everything implemented to Roblox was thoroughly debated in DevForum, but only after implemented or released to public. I understand it might be frustrating to never be asked about how we would feel about these changes, but it’s something we should already be used to.

Our mission from now on is to discuss how we can improve this system. It’s too late to go back, but it’s never too late to adapt and improve. That’s why the Developer Forum was created in first place. I think we did a great job today exposing the flaws and possible backdoors which can be used by malicious users, in this thread.


Yeah I actually got a kick out of reading this thread and seeing new members go “uh this seems unfair”.


What we have to do now is stop worrying about the negatives and find a way to solve them for ourselves to better protect ourselves from scam artists.

As the marines say “Improvise, adapt, and overcome”.


This is such a needed change. I can’t wait to see a lot of new developers getting here. Over time, this will definitely raise the quality of Roblox games and letting the forums being accessible for developers of all skill levels will play a huge role in this. Despite the challenges that a system like this can bring, it will most likely get even better over time.

I think it’s important to remember that this forum is by no means an elitist club. The devforum is all about connecting developers and learning from each other. It’s important to include developers no matter how skilled they are. Instead of using your energy on not liking the large amount of New Members, try talking to them and I bet you’ll change your mind quickly. I know a handful of great developers who got into the forums by this change, and I bet I’m not the only one with this perception. We’re looking at a platform that is growing bigger by the minute, so why do we want to limit ourselves to the enormous interest in Roblox development?

The “us vs them” mentality is still strong among some members. In the end, there’s no difference between a developer who has achieved something great and an up and coming developer. We all strive for the same things, and we all have common goals. Instead of separating people into groups for how long they’ve been in the devfourms, tear down the prejudice that some New Members will face or have faced by just being “new”.

To put everything to an end, as other users such as @Arcuatus have addressed; even if the quality of some posts might lower due to the large number of people who just got invited, this is only a temporary problem. It’s our responsibility as a community to embrace the newest members, help them if needed be and flag any posts that should be flagged. After all, how much does it take to click some buttons that will help raise the quality?


As someone who has directly benefited from this change its a good concept but necessarily good in practise? I’d argue perhaps not as I’m almost certain that some of these new members definitely have little or perhaps no actual development experience which is kinda the point of the forum itself.

I myself haven’t used this account in an incredibly long time to browse the forum which suggests to me they aren’t even looking at recent activity which is a shame. (I found out about this from a friend who frequents the devforum)


It’s definitely on current members and staff to keep the ship tight, but I wouldn’t run a swathe over people assuming it’s an “us vs them” mentality or elitism, there’s absolutely no reason people can’t be worried about quality control on what is supposed to be a professional site. No one should be outright going after new members of course, and if they do I hope they experience strikes. I think the general reaction right now is just knowing how things like the original roblox forums have gone, and maybe some other places that were made public. This is more of an experienced worry than a hypothetical one.

Added: I absolutely think we’ll have to see how the first few days of this go, but I really hope a lot of the really good suggestions, even by new members who have issues with the new system, will be taken into account, discussed, and solved.


The pure devforum status meaned much anyways so.


It’s cool to me, because I can now get help from the DevForum building/scripting/design support. This could improve the new developer’s games quality!


This is accurate actually. Still I am worrying about other ranks such as full member


The “new member” rank does work well in the fact that it allows people only into the more “mature” parts of the forum where you have to actually discuss your issues and show you’re not just here for haha funnytime, thats probably what I like best about it. If people act as expected with the rules and guidelines of the devforums in the new member rank for long enough, they should totally become full.


Upon further reflection and reading other replies to this thread I am now substantially more hesitant about this. I stand by the idea that more new members is better but there’s absolutely no way to make sure everyone who joins is a developer because there are kids and uninvolved people who will inevitably end up being granted membership. It’s not that I have a problem with that per se, but people have already commented on the lowering quality of posts by new members and as this progresses I fear we will see that continue in a downward trend. I have faith in the Top Contributors but they’re not omnipresent on the forums and they can’t do anything about low quality posts.

There’s also a worry about alternate accounts. What’s to stop a new member from acting out, getting removed, then creating a new account and being back within 3 hours?

I think it’s important to not dismiss these concerns as elitism or a want to be a gated community. Nobody here is against the expansion of the number of new members or against people with no experience gaining experience. It’s also not a slight against anyone who gained membership through this fashion (welcome aboard, guys!) or new members in general. It’s just a general worry about the overall quality of discussion and of the developer community as a whole.


Honestly. I would just increase guests’ permissions to post posts in the help categories and things like that. The new member and full member should not have been automated.


There’s a lot of problems that we’ll need overcome due to this update, as with any other update. However, I think we can all agree on the fact that this will raise the quality over time and it’ll most likely make it easier for new developers to use the forums. In the end, it’s a great learning source.

Hopefully, this system will end up almost being foolproof in the future. We will see problems arise, but they’ll mostly be temporary. We’ll have to wait and see, but with this change, I think the future looks even brighter :star_struck:


That would likely make the whole exploitation concern worse, that wouldn’t fix anything.


Why so?


I’m going to make a community resource article as usual so that the community will better be able to work in unison and avoid the problems. Expect that tonight, if not tomorrow morning.


Again, I’ll be giving my personal view and speculation on what Roblox could do in the future.

But, first of all,
I congratulate @Nightgaladeld and equally the whole Developer Relations and Roblox staff team for expanding our horizons. Recently we achieved so many things:

  • a new Application process - this made it easier for developers to join, though it wasn’t efficient enough. We asked for a change and we have it now! :smiley:

  • New Members - We realized the quality dropped, so we requested for something to be done, and it was!!! :smile:

  • Top Contributors group - We weren’t yet satisfied with the quality, so once again they gave us (developers) another tool to enforce quality control.

  • RDC being open to more people - now more people can get together in a safe and friendly environment.

  • a spanish section in the Forums - whaaaat? Who could have imagined that? :es: :clap:

Now, we have more people in the Forum, more people willing to contribute to the community. On the other hand we also have the problems regarding bad quality, malicious users, RDC issues, etc.

/ Fear not, @amoeba, for the RDC will probably not become a rat race.

It’s possible that a RDC East is established along with San Francisco and Europe ones to better support the great influx of Developers. This is something which doesn’t sound too far from happening, at least in my view. If that doesn’t happen, they might simply add more spots for the Conventions.

/ Regarding @wy_s’s and other recently made New Member’s posts, which are clearly skeptical about the change:

It’s true, you guys might not be experienced with development, but right now you are here. You are telling us about a problem in our system and with this, you are already greatly helping the Forums. Don’t say you don’t belong here or you didn’t deserve this, because you are helping the Developer Forum, whether you have a popular game or not. That’s valid even for Nexus’ alt which managed to get in the Forum. Although it’s not a real person, it is being used to point out a huge flaw in the Forums.

This system is recent, and has been on for little time. Like I mentioned before, if you are willing to help, if you are willing to make an alt and test the system, if you’re willing to reply here and help us, you’re already a Developer.

/ About what @TaaRt said,

It’s true that we have a small team focused solely on scanning posts, but the real “moderators” are ourselves. It’s the community’s job to keep it clean, after all Top Contributors are only volunteers. What does it take to Flag a post anyway?

Once again, these are my personal statements and speculations. They reflect my opinion only.