Update to our Terrain Tools

Love to see Smooth Tool finally actually smoothing the terrain instead of generating weird spots!


A very welcome update - I would definitely like to see more customization around the grass terrain decoration, being able to change the texture, size and thickness of the 3D grass material would be a huge step forward in further customizing the look of terrain.


At this point it would be wise to just add foliage support.


Is is a much needed upgrade, as someone who likes working with terrain especially in my main project and trying to get it to look as good as i can, this helps a lot.

Would be nice to be able to have custom grass or change the hight etc, even just a grass painter would be nice because some places you might want the taller grass, while some areas have none but still have the grass texture.


This may or may not be false. Hollow terrain has more ‘visible’ sides and thus is more performance intensive, from what I’ve found.

Could be wrong though. I’m getting different answers from researching it.


The moment you said that I was like ‘I recall a topic with decent suggestions’! Some good ideas were posted there, I think! :slight_smile: Would love to see these improvements. :smiley:


Can’t wait for more terrain tool updates!

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Very good update, looking forward to improving more terrain related stuff!

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Very good update! It would also be very helpful if we got the option to change the scales and strength of the terrain tools to more than 1 as it’s currently hard to make terrain when the scaling tools are really slow!


This was well needed. This will make terrain easier to make. These new updates make the terrain editor so much smoother and less stressful to use.

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Thanks for the explanation. We’ve noted your alpha brush request and will prioritize it within our team.


That has nothing to due with the amount of terrain voxels.

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yay, better performance, my PC can stop crying as much as i try to make massive land masses

I rate this update 10/10


This, and I really wish we could mix both custom materials and Roblox, as currently is just overrides entirely instead of like how parts are.


Does this mean we might see improvements too the terrain rendering? I know I’ve been noticed weird terrain rendering at long distances. For an example in is if I am playing a tank game, and I try to shoot someone the terrain for me would look like I can’t hit the person, but too them I am a great big target with no terrain in their way.


More control over how distant terrain renders would be amazing.


Very useful update!

Are there any upcoming changes towards terrain decoration? It would be particularly useful to be able to change the size of terrain grass, or even being able to add our own decoration to certain materials.


are there any plans for brush jitter in the future?
It’d really help with less-straight edges of materials if I could add random jitter to either brush size or position


Glad you guys are back to working on terrain features, when can we expect to use more than one variant of each material in a single world? I would really love to have different variants of grass in my games, I’m always limited to two at most using leafy grass, any further than that and I’m forced to replace other materials as a workaround


This is awesome! This will definitely bring some major QoL to terrain artists.

Few suggestions for future improvements/additions to the terrain system as a whole:

  • Faster Grow/Erode tools. I think all of the brush based tools need this performance improvement honestly.
  • Custom brush shapes, akin to what Unity and Unreal have where you can use an image as the alpha for your brush
  • Some sort of system that allows users to apply any MaterialVariant to terrain on top of the base materials. Being limited to terrain materials and having to choose materials to swap out is somewhat limiting and has been a big issue with terrain for the longest time in my opinion.
  • I know this one was mentioned several years ago at RDC but some sort of update on where we are with custom terrain foliage would really be nice
  • Also mentioned above, Terrain to BasePart material blending. Pretty much just taking terrain underneath an object and bleeding its materials onto the surface of said object. I’m not sure what exactly this technique is called but it is a pivotal resource for stylized workflows in so many projects. I’d imagine you could achieve this with a TerrainBlend instance that has properties for the height(0-1) that the material will bleed onto the mesh and a NumberSequence that controls the gradient/transparency of the bleed. Having a transparency of 0 could even prove to sell the illusion that a complex mesh is a built in part of the terrain!