Hello! My name is GuestCapone, I’m a 3D modeler who likes to model anthromorphic characters from time to time, as much as I love to model them, I’m currently unable bring them to life without textures. Some of you may be wondering “Guest, how can you say that when you made this?” The answer is simple, that character is using procedurally generated textures, which means that the character is not textured by hand in some photoediting program, it is instead textured by a computer. That is a good way to texture inorganic objects, however it does not work (most of the time) for an organic looking objects, especially a character that is meant to be an organic looking creature, and not some mechanical monster. With that being said, I’m looking to commission someone to finalize the textures for the model below:
I will not be going into depth on the texturing details other then what is most important, which is that you will need to seperate the mesh into multiple texture maps, as follows below:
The sharks hair, head (head includes ears, they are de-attached) and tail are on their own respective texture maps. Each one is 1024x1024. The sharks hair will need to have 2 textures, more details will be given to the commissioned individual.
The sharks body needs to be on a 2048x2048 texture map,and I am also wanting the texture on joints to be less noticeable when the rig moves, which means you will need to paint the joints to match as best as possible when they shift in position or are rotated and you will also need to do some shading on the texture to give it depth, mainly looking for muscle tone/definition.
The sharks clothing need is on its own 2048x2048 image as well, I’m wanting to give her something that is nicer then what I currently have, I’m also wanting 3 retextures for the sharks outfit. Civilian, Military, Punk/rebel (I want this one in specific to look like its a punky vapor/synthwave.)
She also has a custom [uzi submachine gun]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DJfudrNUEAATkEy.jpg), that must be textured as well on a 1024x1024 texture map, nothing too fancy is needed other then some gun colors, basic shading and maybe some gloss here or there to make it look nice. Keep in mind though that the gun does have a magazine, and the magazine has (3) bullets. However, you can recieve a $25 bonus for texturing her gun to have a synthwave athestic, think of Jackets piece from Payday 2., basic gun texture is still required.
Needs to look cartoony, colors should blend with each other and not clash.
The model is now fully unwrapped, (See spoiler below) although you have my full permission to edit the UV maps if needed to achieve better texture resolution.
Now before I talk about payment, it is important to note that If you do a good and job act professional and treat this opportunity with respect and honor, I will be commissioning you again in the near future and will be in a reoccurring need of your services. With that being said, I will be paying $30 - $100 depending on the quality and speed of your work. If you are interested or know someone that would be interested in taking this job, you may post below or contact me here on the forums or on Discord @ BluDragoon#6197. You will need to provide previous examples of your work and/or your portfolio before further details on the job are discussed.
– GuestCapone