UpdateAsync or SetAsync in this case?

I followed this tutorial : Datastore Beginner To Advanced to create a datastore script, but it seems that updateAsync isn’t necessary in my case, but I’m not sure. In fact, the values I save change very regularly, so there’s a 90% chance that when a save is made, at least one of the values in the table has changed, in which case the whole table will be replaced by the new values (i guess) (unless the player joins and leaves without playing). This leads me to the conclusion that a simple SetAsync would be more efficient in this case. I’d like to hear your opinion. Thanks for your help

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The Only time :UpdateAsync() would be less efficient than :SetAsync() is if you arent using it to check data, and are just saying return data, like this for example:

DataStore:UpdateAsync(Key, function(OldData)
    return Data 
-- This is a pretty inefficient use of :UpdateAsync(), you are better off
-- using :SetAsync() instead.

Hi thanks for your answer, when i save the data that how i do :

			success = pcall(dataStore.UpdateAsync, dataStore, key, function()
					return {
						SessionLock = dontLeave and os.time() or nil,
						--Lot of value;
			until success

And when i load the data :

repeat task.wait(1)
		success = pcall(dataStore.UpdateAsync, dataStore, key, function(oldData)
			oldData = oldData or default
			if oldData.SessionLock then
				if os.time() - oldData.SessionLock < 1800 then
					shouldWait = true
					oldData.SessionLock = os.time()
					data = oldData
					return data
				oldData.SessionLock = os.time()
				data = oldData
				return data
		if shouldWait then
			shouldWait = false
	until (success and data) or not Players:FindFirstChild(name)

Could you explain me what the point of using update async in that case i don’t need the old data as in 90% of time , the value gonna change and the new data overwrite the old one ?


Any help is still apprecied , thank you =)

Hi again , sorry for beggin for help lol, if any of you have an answer i would be happy to hear it =) Any help is apprecied