[ UPDATED 08/06/24 ] Fireworks System!

What is the game is the YouTube video?
It looks so amazing!

It’s just a place to do tests :slight_smile:

Can i get the link by chances ?

link ? it’s not a game, it’s in the studio

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what do i have to change if i want it to enable by a textbutton or a command

I havent changed anything in any way, placed it where it was suppost to be.

Also probably due to this error the fireworks wont deload and stack up ontop of another and wont move at all

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I’d suggest to replace the random waits in the FireworkService script with this:

wait(.1*math.random(MinWait*10, MaxWait*10))

so it can take numbers less than 1

I was having weird results when I put in a max and min both < 1 because math.random was just rounding them both to zero so i was getting firework spam at 0 wait.

Maybe even make it .01 and *100 to get another decimal point for fine tuning.

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This is SO cool and pretty! Great job!!

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im having trouble getting this to work im getting an
Infinite yield possible on ‘FireworkScripts.FireworkService:WaitForChild(“Fireworks”)’

Script ‘ServerScriptService.FireworkService’, Line 8

I have everything placed in the correct place I changed the times from 23 to 18 and nothing is firing off what am I doing wrong?

Im getting this same issue now did you find a fix?

I advise you to disable StreamingEnabled in workspace!


Thanks for making this free it’s very beautiful and I want to use it in my game
I installed everything as written, but my fireworks do not work. I do not know what the reason is
I watched the video several times and did as you do in the video, but nothing happened