(UPDATED) 3D Modeling, Environment Designer, Building, GFX,

About Me

Hi there! I am offering my services as a builder/modeler. I specialize in asset creation and level design.


The following I created with: In Engine features, Blender,
You can view some of my assets here: SpyMazeInc's Place Number: 25 - Roblox
I have done mostly cartoon style for the majority of my time as a builder

Skinned Meshes

3D Modeling

devforum post24



But, I have also been working on more realistic projects recently.





Prices are negotiable.


You can contact me here on the Developer Forum or via Discord at: StellarDev#3940

Thanks for reading!


Hi! I saw your work and interested to hire. I sent you a friend request on Discord, my user is hello!#1111

Updated for the first time definitely overdue.

Could you add me and sent me a message GodtheGamer#2185

It said it was invalid, also I changed my discord that’s why it didn’t work. Mine is SpyDev#3940

Updated: You can also expect a modeling update tomorrow.

I sent a friend request! (ivna#0001) I look forward to working with you.

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I never be with this guy but totally recommend this great job :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hey Spy! I friended you on discord can you accept it my name was DevGameScripters

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I accepted it so have a nice day.

Accepted your discord request.

Temporarily Closed. You may still friend me but I won’t be able to work on things immediately.

Open again and updated. Except more updates soon.

I am looking to expand my portfolio in the area of 3D modelling.

New: GFX section more to be added soon.


Updated: Please feel free to look around!

Portfolio Updated. Feel free to look around.


I’m interested to hire you and to work together, i added you in discord my discord username is


Thank’s for reading and sorry for the disturbing. :slight_smile:

1 Like

Not disturbing at all. Thank you for Reaching out.


I added a new skinned mesh example.