[Updated] Animation Editor 2.2 Released

That wasn’t my bug report, I’ll get my bug report from the old forum

This was it:
Bug 1 - Playback bug
Changing the time for already made animations and then pressing play tend to corrupt the rotational values of keyframes in the playback.
Saving the file and reloading the animator plugin fixes it.

But there’s a small chance where saving it will save the corrupted playblast.
(I just lost several hours of work from this)

Bug 2 - Cannot overwrite existing animations
I cannot overwrite existing animations. When I use the plugin, and just update on top of pre-existing animations, it’ll load to 100%.
But when I check the animation page itself on roblox, it’ll say updated 8 minutes ago, meaning it didn’t even update.
I’ve tested this online and I’m pretty sure it is broken.

10/10 new forum markup

I like the updates, though.
It makes the editor less horrible, even close to nice.

Not sure what this is about, but it seems any body parts I animated are stuck after an animation finishes playing.

Priority was set to action, and the legs of the character were purposely set to be ignored during the animation. Any ideas?

It seems to have righted itself, don’t know what to say.

Definitely weird bugs with the arms.

Is there any way to expand the animation editor downwards if there’s more joints? I really don’t wanna scroll up/down everytime I need to select a joint.

Of course a way to make this optional would be cool

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This is on our list of improvements to make to the Animation Editor.


Bug report:
When you import animations that already has certain limbs turned off, then immediately import another one but that animation doesn’t have any limbs turned off, the animation imports in with the limbs turned off.

Here’s an unlisted video replicating the steps:

New edit:
Also this bug happens when you load different animations without Reseting, the limbs are also turned off.

Newer Edit:
This bug also occurs when you load another animation using the same settings.
Like for example: I had loop turned on, and when I load an animation with loop turned off, it is turned on because of my previous settings.

bug report;

For some reason, the animator editor 2.2 tends to add default neutral torso positions to my saved animations?
Whenever this happens, Lerp is turned on when I save. Maybe that caused it to happen?

I’m unsure how to replicate it but it occurs very often.

Edit: It’s occurring more often that I thought. Both with Lerp on and off, the bug still occurs.
It not only adds Torso Keys, it also adds random keyframes from to random places.
Sometimes overwriting my previous done keyframes and uploads them with messed up keyframes too.

New edit:
I think I found out why it’s adding random keyframes.
Anytime I make a blank keyframe or “a pink line” and have no keyframes for any limb in the pink line. Then save it in v2.2, when I load up the animation, it puts a default/random keyframe to fill in the void. Usually using default torso keyframes to fill the void.
That’s what is happening consistently to me.

If you need a video I’ll try to replicate it on camera to explain what’s happening.

When there is no target part, the hover selection box will move to the origin:

It also looks like the hover selection boxes don’t go away when you turn off the animation editor:

(FYI you can parent a part to the CoreGui and 3D GUIs will adorned to it will still show – I noticed the SelectionParts were parented to the workspace since they weren’t deleted when I closed the editor)

Here’s another thing. The first play (looks normal) is me sliding the timeline dragger to the end of the animation. The second is me playing it with the dropdown “Play” option:

TestAnimation.rbxmx (5.8 KB)

I imagine this has something to do with the animation fade time or something. Since the arm’s default position is downwards, the animation tries to fade between what it’s supposed to be at and the default position or something, resulting in that buggy behavior. It doesn’t just happen with the dropdown either – we have had two people <1>, <2> experience this issue while playing animations in-game (there are probably more but searching for them isn’t exactly easy) just on the developer forums, and I’m sure a lot of non-members have experienced it as well. It may just be a bug with animations, but if the issue is with fade time it’d be nice if that defaulted to 0 on new animations.

Edit: Oh, and can someone upload a thumbnail for the ROBLOX animation editor – it doesn’t stick out enough because it looks like every other plugin.

The bounce animation is the exact same issue I was having up above your post, EchoReaper.
It looks like Animation Editor 2.2 is adding neutral keyframes into your keyframes.

A tempt fix is to carefully look which one is the “neutral”/not your keyframe, and delete it manually. Then save and re-export then HOPE it worked. And if not try, again. x)

The issue seen in that gif isn’t due to stray keyframes.

There are four keyframes in that animation (you have to look closely to notice the one at the end), and looking at the animation I inserted through InsertService, there are only four keyframes in it (all with the expected times). There aren’t any extra keyframes added in. If I import the animation in from the site, same thing – only four keyframes.

I’ve just loaded up your .rbxmx, I see what you’re saying now.
It only occurs when looping is off, it happens whenever a non-looping animation ends.
This happens in the old plugin too.

Here’s an explanation explaining why this occurs:
What the editor does is, when the animation ends, it tries to reset the humanoid back to the original pose (the default dummy/robloxian pose) then it quickly resets back to the first pose that you did. While it resets, Roblox automatically tweens all the poses together.

That’s why it does a “bounce animation” and that’s why it doesn’t show up in the loop.

It’s not a big issue though, since you don’t see it when you use this animation, you only see it in the playback issue.

My biggest concern for 2.2 is to find out why it inserts random keyframes in complicated animations, see posts above.

If you look at the two threads I linked, it happens in-use and not just in the editor.

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Lastly, I encounter this bug that happens quite often:

Changing the time length tends to break animation for unknown reasons.

I’ve made a video using subtitles to explain what how I’m replicating the bugs.
It’s an interesting watch sense, 4 different types of bugs appeared in this one sitting alone.

Bugs are highlighted in bold to help you.
In the video I demonstrate 4 different times where I changed the length of the animation and it broke a lot of things.
Note: Each time I switch animation, I hit reset.

00:12 Test1, I changed the length to .35, and that broke the legs. During this I messed with the leg being broken and tried to add a keyframe on the first keyframe. But strangely, as shown in the video it adds to the 2nd keyframe?

00:37 Test2, I changed the length to 1 and that showed that my legs were hidden? Even though it wasn’t hidden initially.

01:00 Test3, I changed the length to .35 again, but when I reset this time, the random keyframe bug (see posts above) appeared in my Default Reset template. Which shouldn’t happen because resetting is supposed to wipe all the keyframes out.
Meanwhile test3 had no issues.

01:25 Test4, I changed the length to 1 again, but nothing new occurred.

In the old plugin, this never happened before.
The only time I experienced something like this in the old plugin was that my keyframes go missing.
But in this case in v2.2, my keyframes gets overwritten by random keyframes and also it hides random limb parts too.

Here’s the video:

edit: the video has audio but it is very quiet, so I subtitled it


I’m not sure if this is the right thread to post about this, but here goes anyway.

I have an NPC that I’d like to animate, however there’s a problem.

I can rotate/move all of the limbs in the editor fine except the legs. The joints are set up right, It has a HumanoidRootPart, nothing is anchored. The legs also don’t show as grey in the animation editor.
What can cause this? What’s wrong?

heres the npc if anyone’s wondering

Dude this update was soo good!! Works really well! :smiley:
Could you change so it’s fully zoomed out from the start? Other than that, I just love it! Great work!


Hey guys,

I’m working on making the editor even better, with a big focus on bug fixes (stability) and UI improvements this time around. If you have bug repros, please do share! It is most useful if you can start from a clean session of the editor (note: using the reset button is not necessarily a clean session, that’s another bug) so I can reproduce the bug 100% and figure out what’s going on!

Soon I’ll be updating the beta plugin on my profile so people can begin testing out the new version but bug repros are greatly appreciated!

Regarding the bug where loading an animation has limbs disabled, I’ve fixed that and don’t need repros for that case.

See if the context menu can be made to not come up when active=true on a GUI element so we can get context menus for the animation editor so it won’t be super clunky and awkward to use

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