Official DataStore2
Hey Developers! I am proud to announce a new plugin for all of you to use!
I love feedback, but please keep it positive! No negativity!
About the Plugin
What’s the Plugin?
Its simple. You can easily create DataStores that are made with DataStore2!
Will it be Updated?
Yes, some bugs may be found when In use. But we will be adding more features to it daily!
Is it Free, or does it cost robux?
It is 100% Free with no charge! It was made for the purpose to help future developers, not for profit. (Non-Profit Plugin)
Is it safe to have? Will it hack my game?
Nope! It is completely safe! No hacks or backdoors are in it! The Plugin is made by ElectricalSpy. If you see any other version of this made by someone who isn’t ElectricalSpy then don’t download it. Most likely it is not safe.
May I see a clip of how it works?
Sure! I made a video so you guys could look at it!
Update Log
2:44 am german time 27.07.2021
- Updated Plugin to DataStore2 V1.4.0
2:41 pm german time 16.07.2021
- Fixed all the 3 Problems that Kampfkarren listened
4:11 Am German Time
* Added Gui
* Able to add Folders and Values via Plugin Gui
this system is super cool since i dont have to code too much,nice work!
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Thank you alot for the feedback :D.
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Very awesome system! Im so glad I downloaded this! 
I updated the Plugin, thanks for the Feedback.
Judging by your code here:, I strongly recommend this not be used until it conforms to several warnings from the DataStore2 documentation.
Problem #1.
local datastore2 = require(1936396537)
The free model is:
- Not updated. I’m not able to, and I don’t have the time to support it.
- Insecure. Because it’s outdated, it does not have crucial bug fixes to make sure data is correctly saved for cases like shutdowns.
- Not officially recommended anywhere.
Problem #2. You are not using Combine
anywhere. As stated in the documentation several times:
Problem #3. You are calling :Set
every 60 seconds on a loop. This is completely pointless. As stated in the documentation:
You need to set your data stores as they change
Although you are not doing PlayerRemoving
, you are still failing this crucial piece of DataStore2–that it is your cache.
I can’t really comment on the rest as I can’t really read it.
It’s also going to be impossible for someone to easily use DataStore2 on their own alongside this module, since they’ll have conflicting implementations and will save over each other.
Hello Kamfpkarren,
I went through all your 3 Points and fixed up my script a bit.
Added Combine, updating my Plugin each time you update your github, and the data is setting whenever something in the folder changes
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