Updated Experience Controls Now Live

Another thing: I know you probably wouldn’t let this go further back than the 2020 UI, but PLEASE let developers change the UI they can use in their games.
Because this can be super invasive for games that use UIs similar to the 2016 one for example. The 2020 one is also not great with that either but at least it wasn’t so beefy and didn’t take up more screen space than necessary

RetroStudio (also what is it with the chat button being there even though the game uses a custom chat module?)


Please make it so StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.All, false) actually disables every button except for the ESC menu button, just like how it previously did.


Anyone else getting this spammed in the output in studio? Happens after I die a few times with the “SelifeView” closed.


new topbar isnt probably supported on old roblox games, its buggy as heck at the moment. and is not very evasive on these kind of topbars

I don’t even use the new topbar because of how old it is, I still use the previous one

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:sparkles: nobody :sparkles: wanted :sparkles: this :sparkles:

It takes up far too much space, the “hamburger menu” is entirely useless if you have everything disabled anyways, and you listened to NONE of the criticism under various other posts that were made about this horrible ui change


They haven’t addressed any criticism, ideas, bugs, or feedback here whatsoever. I don’t remember seeing a single staff response.

They haven’t adressed the large size on pc, why it isn’t optional/why we can’t disable it (as players not developers), the thick health bar, the three ways to report people, why it’s a circle, why we can’t change the roundness of the buttons and/or mske them more “square”, why we can’t adjust the size of the ui and fonts ourselves, why the chat button is there for games with chat disabled.

Space that had no reaaon or need to be taken whatsoever, I mean, the health bar right now is so ugly to look at, and is actually only there to fill empty space. I’m complaining about that more honestly.


dude 8 pixels is less than 0.25 cm that is not that much
if i remember the pre 2020 topbar was around the same size and that was an entire actual bar

health bar kinda sucks but that’s besides my point

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The size of the topbar increased by 22 pixels, not 8.

It went from 36 to 58 on desktop. On mobile it’s 52.

Also you could disable the pre-2020 topbar if you wanted to.


Please add these options and everyone will be happy (especially the first one):

game.StarterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.SelfView, false)
game.StarterGui:SetCore("TopBarHeight", 36) --min 36, max 58

unc is too smart for this planet please add this guys

Don’t forget, the topbar visibility option (i need to disable it)

ironically they introduced even more issues with the always-on forced self-view (yes you can disable it, but that’s by no means a good user experience to use that thing in the first place)

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Actually i like old topbar because the old topbar is small and developer can disable the experience controls Ui except escape menu for a better experience in some time and nearly all games doesn’t fit the new topbar, and finding inventory/emotes/leaderboard is a bit harder to find it, also the new version of health bar alongside with new topbar is very big and ugly so i highly appreciate the former version.

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btw i like this ui soo much that i replicated that resign in my game

in my opinion, you should bring back the ability to pin items in the hamburger menu bar, and also make the hamburger menu a scrolling frame.
here we can see that for experiences with no hamburger menu items hidden, it is the longest thing in the entire world. you could make this a scrolling frame so it would not be so long/take up so much space.
for experiences that have all hamburger menu items hidden, you should just have the hamburger menu hidden entirely, considering it’s only purpose would be to show the report item.


It does use a ScrollingFrame, but you wouldn’t notice this unless you were on a phone.


…why does it only have to be on phone…

Had this issue with one of my experiences… players kept getting voice-chat banned and we had to disable it.

I still can’t turn on new ui why? I have only in roblox studio but in games I have old.