Updated First-Person Viewmodel Tutorial?

There’s this tutorial for viewmodels that works for me.

This one is really good and still works today. However, I’m also trying to integrate it into the following tutorial for animating tools:

What I’m trying to do here is animate the tool welded to the torso (for a cleaner, cooler animation). However, it doesn’t work as intended because the viewmodel script I use only shows the arms, not the torso.

You’re using Headstackk’s Animation Tutorial on that scratch FPS Viewmodel?

In that case, I saw that Arm’s Motor6D parented to the cloned viewmodel. I think you just have to create the BodyAttach’s Motor6D.

Now whenever the distances changes, if it’s lower than 1 stud (Head distance and Camera distance). Just change the BodyAttach M6D parent to the Viewmodel.

I’m assuming that you wanted the tool welded to Torso so I make this response as a solution. I have been off to Roblox Studio for a while.

I’ll try your suggestion when I have time.