Updated In Experience Controls on Roblox

honestly, they should bring this back but with a few additions

builder font

the captures tab

mute all, microphone, camera, and self view controls

“Give Feedback” button in the Experience Language page

replace Follow with Notify in Experience Info page

agreed, the menus on the left side were the goat. can’t believe they’ve been testing and had 3 different versions since 2020 and stuck with a 2015 redesign


Developing for the new controls is super difficult when you have to consider some users are still on the old controls. I imagine there would be more widespread adoption if Roblox communicated when more players will have the new controls rolled out.


agreed, the v4 menu is literally just a 2015 menu reskin with the home button being removed on desktop

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i could have a suggestion for the uis is by just basically adding different options to pick between different styles of uis for us to get comfortable with

but im not sure if the suggestion in question would be a ok idea considering there could be a complexity between interfaces

There’s a new bug with the UI that didn’t happen before. If you click and drag out of a button, then let go of the left mouse button, the button will stay in the “hover” state.


This happens in a lot of different areas (all unibar buttons, playerlist ‘X’ button, buttons in the “Report” and “Captures” menus, purchase prompt buttons, AvatarEditorService prompt buttons, etc.)

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This is absolutely horrible in every way. Loved having to count how many pixels this new topbar is BTW

I do love the ability to pin items that may have not previously been on the topbar onto the topbar now, having easy access to these buttons is amazing.


please, could the new topbar be rolled out more? i love the new ui & my current projects ui has been based off of it for months, but ingame i have been stuck with the old ui, and i cannot release with it looking like this. also the new capture button is very out of place, it would look better in the unibar

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