[UPDATED] [OPEN]- Looking for clothing designers for my group

Hello, all! I am Power, former member of the Devfourm and, some people call me Ranger! but, anyways I am looking for a few clothing designers! to, join our team and this is your opportunity to help our community! and, support us and more information, is down bellow! ^^ about it and I can’t wait!! to, see you on our team once hired.

Job Recruitment Template

About Us

Hi there! We are Wipeout Punks studios, a group we have games! for, all of our fans! and we do giveaways, sometimes and we are looking for a few clothing designers! to, join our team and create us clothings! if, needed and this is your opportunity to apply at our team, and more information is down below.


Experienced clothing designers


About The Job

We are looking for a clothing designer! or a experienced one! to, like join our team! and, design clothing for us! if, needed! and more information is down below! and, we can’t wait!! to see you on our team.


I, accept Robux to pay on! and I accept mostly via Robux game pass! and, sometimes group funds. And, the payment! all depends on what you do for me! and, we can figure out the final payment then when, done.

Contact Us

You can contact us here on the Developer Forum or via Discord: joshgamer11009#7318 or on private Devfourm messages! most, likely but I would recommend us chatting on Discord mostly.

Thanks for reading! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


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