Updated Part of the RBXDev Usernames List, Need Admins to Finish

A few months ago, Becky posted a thread (here) to have a list of all the RBXDev users with their Roblox Usernames, with the goal of it being updated when someone was added to the forums, which did not happen.

So today, I added the Roblox Usernames for users 1152 (RobloxTesting) to 1258 (PPhillips), but now I need Becky to add their RBXDev usernames and their userids for the forums. I was going to, but they are protected so only Becky can add/change them, or give the people who can already edit it the ability to edit those.

Viewable list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1K62eOkd9btMt5dziXhY-o_-oWR_lq90_oICa1RkPdjQ/pubhtml

What is this for?

The suggested use of the list was so the admins could have a list of usernames for the people in RBXDev. Just figured I should keep it up to date-ish in case it is needed, like if Whimzee wants to reactivate the bot of accepting people into the group, or another developer gift is awarded in December.