looks very good ! Maybe add the player image in the circle (i think it’s the utily of the circle)
I tried but I can’t quiet figure out how using Canva without the picture going over the icon shape (circle).
you want something like this ?
Canva.com? Or Infinitecanva etc
I’ve made some posters on it, it’s great, but for UI… Obviously couldn’t reach a good quality but good job anyways!
I think the icons in the top right don’t really match each other, they are all different thicknesses.
Try to find one image set and use those
One thing I noticed was the outlines having different thicknesses, I’ve never used canva before so not sure if this was your intention to, but if it was then I’d suggest making them the same thickness
Maybe it’s just me but it kind of bothered me that the usernames had different sizes so perhaps you could figure out a way to align the names
Over all this UI looks fantastic, I especially love the colors you’ve used for this
Is this going to be for a roblox game?
I used Canva.com. I tried to do my best with the limited things it could do but I think the most important thing is being creative and going out of your way to make something happen.
Thank you so much! I made those myself and couldn’t find the right thickness without the shapes and other stuff showing up so I had to sacrifice it.
I did notice that too! I tried going for a small outline but ended up going this route. I think it looked quiet well in my opinion but I do agree that I need to change the thickness of the outlines by a lot.
About the usernames, I made it so it’s readable when the name is long or has spaces but that’s only for the showcase.
I don’t think this can be used for a roblox game, but I would definitely love to get hired to make more CONCEPT ART UI for Roblox or any other platform! I don’t know how to make UI in roblox but I can certainly come up with ideas for one.