[UPDATE]Diving Board (Work In Progress)

Hello!, My name is Thunder
and I have made a diving board using Cylindrical Constraints and A Spring Constraint

Here it is:

The pool is terrible, I know. I didn’t really put any effort into it lol

I have not worked on the jump boost as yet for the board, but when you jump on the edge, there will be a bounce on the board.

Sorry if I can’t show you guys the video, I don’t have a proper recording software to video it. :slightly_frowning_face:

Thank you for viewing, I hope you have some feedback to give me. It really helps

Recent Updates:

  1. Fixed up the surroundings a little bit
  2. Fixed up the pool and expanded it
  3. ADDED STAIRS (Most requested lol)
  4. Added railings to the stairs (Safe is the way to go :slightly_smiling_face:)


More updates coming out tomorrow or even later on.

Test it!

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a ladder to go up would be pretty nice and logical.


Add a bit more detail, also should remove the spring placed at the tip of the board.

But the spring is what gives the board its bounce and I didn’t really put any effort in it although I’m a builder lol

Thanks guys for the feedback and help :slight_smile:

It’s looks like it in the wrong place…

Might just be me though .

Maybe if you made the part and spring transparent it could look a little more believable. Pretty cool, though.

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Like the reply above, I would consider on adding a ladder or some sort.