Hello! I created this GFX and I want your Opinion! I used Blender Eevee Render on this one. If you know what this type of GFXs go for feel free to leave it in the comments.
Feel free to criticize me!
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Hello! I created this GFX and I want your Opinion! I used Blender Eevee Render on this one. If you know what this type of GFXs go for feel free to leave it in the comments.
Feel free to criticize me!
0 voters
Hello! The GFX looks good, but the gun is so straight, it dosent even look like a gun! I suggest putting the gun at a slight angle towards the left! Other than that, great GFX!
Hi @William_Rensselaer! Your GFX is quite nice, but I have a few suggestions. First off your light is very bright, causing strange parts of your body to appear highlighted. Also, can you show a Cycles render as well, as Cycles tends to work better with lighting.
Here’s why I think It’s only alright and what I’d change:
New Topic will be up with the nex Updated GFX soon!
Woo Hoo! Really Thrilled by that Gun, if you would add just a little more light on the Gun that would be awesome! Otherwise it is Perfect!