[[UPDATED/OPEN]] Ayzilo's | 3D Modeler & Builder

Sent you dm on discord my discord is Lurrz#3614

If you are in need of builds/models, then I really recommend hiring Ayzilo. He is such a great 3D Modeler/Builder. All of his stuff looks so clean and he makes it very fast. :grinning:


Sent you a friend request, Tristan,#0001.

amazing like always!
I’m a logo designer
and your 3d models are awesomeee

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Ayzilo is an AMAZING Developer. I had the pleasure of working and partnering with Ayzilo on multiple business ventures. In each one there was a definite risk of it being a failure or waste of time. But in each one like DevCourse and eduDev which were definitely ones that were sure not to return anything monetary to us, he went above and beyond in his dedication to our work as contractors or educators, and was always motivated to do his best, even in the darkest times of his career. He always gets the job done, and on time. For example i remember jumping in a call with him where he was working on a commission for 2 days straight without any sleep. He loves giving back to the community which is proven with his open source projects and contributions to eduDev and DevCourse. All in all, Ayzilo is a versatile developer who is always willing to learn and do great work, i can not recommend working with him enough.

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Interested! Please DM me: WoofWatermelon#8888.

Hey there Ayzilo! I have contacted you on discord!

Sent a friend request on discord!

Do you still do commisions? And do you accept Robux as payment?

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I’m interested in commissioning you. Please DM me, WoofWatermelon#8888.

Updated Portfolio, Added new sections [Cars & Pets], and a lot of newer creations scattered around different tabs. (5/11/21)

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Hey, I’m interested dm me on discord:UnknownDeveloper#9797

Hello! I sent you a friend request on discord.