UPDATES // Blox.bio, quick and easy Roblox portfolios | Reserve your subdomain now! (RTrack)

Introducing Blox.Bio, quick and easy Roblox portfolios

Blox.Bio is an RTrack site that allows you to create a portfolio with a unique subdomain, e.g. https://steady.blox.bio easily and quickly, to have a professional looking domain you can share around for your portfolio.

Blox.bio is currently in Alpha, so only the first 100 sign ups are being accepted at the moment. You’ll need an RTrack account (just Google sign in) to register a subdomain and configure your blox.bio page, but aside from that it’s completely free!

Here’s what it looks like:

These are really early stages, so blox.bio sites are a little empty and don’t look incredible at the moment, but as time goes on and more people are using it, new features and visual improvements will be made to the site without you needing to do anything! Just fill out the configuration form now, and your portfolio will receive all the updates blox.bio has made to it.

Want to make your own? Click below!

Create a blox.bio page

Update: You can now show your game stats on your blox.bio profile just by verifying your Roblox account!

The settings have been added to allow you to show your total game visits and total game likes on your profile just by checking a box on the bio configuration page.

Simply link your Roblox account to your RTrack account by pasting some emojis in your about section, then head over and these figures will be automatically calculated and available to put onto your portfolio!


Will try it out! Seems very cool!


Hey, I found a bug when editing text. The ‘-’ seems to disappear; For example, ‘Sci-Fi’ becomes ‘SciFi’. Other than that, I suggest having more customisability for cards like an ability to reposition and resize images and bullet points for text. So far, I like this early stage and believe this project could become amazing in the future.


Feel free to leave your blox.bio subdomains here! Would love to look through them :slightly_smiling_face:


Some new features coming very soon to blox.bio:

By verifying ownership of your Roblox account:

  1. Automatically calculated and updated social links & game stats, calculated from games under your account and under any group that you own.

  1. A games carousel of all the games RTrack found under your account and groups. You’ll be able to select which games appear here and add some additional information, e.g. information on the development of the game.

New additions can be previewed on my page: https://steady.blox.bio

Also accepting testers for this, so if you want these to show on your page just send me a DM and I’ll manually link up your Roblox account! :slightly_smiling_face:

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You can now show your game stats on your blox.bio profile just by verifying your Roblox account!

The settings have been added to allow you to show your total game visits and total game likes on your profile just by checking a box on the bio configuration page.

Simply link your Roblox account to your RTrack account by pasting some emojis in your about section, then head over and these figures will be automatically calculated and available to put onto your portfolio!