Game is not complete and may lack important features!
I’m making a prison that is inspired by Prison Life, and I would like feedback on the layout and the builds, most areas are empty but will be furnished. Images can be found in further update posts.
How good are the buildings? Vote as low/high as you want, I take it as feedback to improve since I really want to be a better builder. Please judge based on the most recent update post(s).
not to be rude but i feel like the builds are “mid”. Its not that bad but not good either. It just feels generic and somewhat of a downgrade from prison life. It just doesn’t stand out, im not sure if this is what your going for though since you said its inspired by prison life.
It’s fine to be inspired by Prison Life, it’s even fine to copy some of their concepts, but I think you should make a stronger effort to delineate your style from theirs. As it stands, anyone could be forgiven for thinking that this is a ripped version of Prison Life that has been reformatted to give it the semblance of originality.
The style itself is fine, but it would benefit from more color and more effective use of lighting. I suggest doing some more work researching how other games utilize lighting to create a specific effect.
Additionally, the labels above the doorways could use some work. Make the background invisible, and give the border some flair. Either create a graphic that the text can be overlaid onto, or make a border out of bricks to contain the text.
Try to create your own world’s concepts, styles, ideas, and conventions. Right now, it looks closely related to Prison Life. What’s the fun in that? Be creative!