Updates for my bodycam shooter

Hey there, I’ve implemented, and changed / modified (added) things accordingly to what you guys requested me to do. I am working on a voice lines (chat) at the moment. Main Updates include the addition of a laser pointer (totally didn’t take me ages.) Ignore the terrible cube. I have added arm sway, allowing the game to be more smoother and friendly, and finally I added a ammo checking animation to add that realism.

Please leave criticism, I am always willing to take any harsh or kind feedback! Thanks!


A cool thing you should add, is the face is always blurred.
Obviously you probably (not guaranteed) will add hair and pants/shirts and stuff, but I think to sell the bodycam effect you can add the blur on the face to always be there.

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This bodycam shooter game looks VERY GOOD! Great job on it!


Wow! I’m fascinated with this project. One detail is, maybe chance the design of the gun’s details box (ammo, weapon name, etc.) and make it match the bodycam text style. After all, keep it up!

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I intend on adding a little Name GUI on the bottom only with the name, and removing the ammo GUI in-order to make the game as realistic as possible. I mean its Roblox what can I say lol. Thanks for the feedback!

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Actually, that’s a good idea. Kind of forgot about that, but I’m not at all sure how to make the blur effect like constantly move.