Updates to Animation Throttling

Hi @Camstcha, thanks for your patience as we solve this issue! After testing locally with the asset you provided me, I can confirm that the locomotion of the bird is applied to the “body” bone of the the model, using a KeyframeSequence animation. This type of animation does not apply its transforms to the PrimaryPart of the bird.

Since the position of PrimaryPart is what’s used to calculate LODs, this can cause issues when the bird is on screen while the part is off screen. One quick work-around for you is to remove the keyframes from the body of the bird, and instead programmatically move the bird using its primary part. (looks like the bird simply moves in a circle, which you can easily do with sin/cos functions.

I created a test place with the same bird model and a “fly” animation with the locomotion removed. Instead, I programmatically added locomotion with the “Fly” script inside of the bird model. Check it out!

bird_locomotion_throttling_fix.rbxl (41.7 KB)

This is a temporary workaround, but thought this would serve as a good example for everyone on how to solve these types of throttling kinks in your places :slight_smile:


Wow, Crazy how Roblox is getting more complex with animations. Love to see that they are updating the systems to be more advanced with extra properties.

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Will this feature eventually be forced upon us? I sure hope not.

We have more than 500 unique animations in my game, and this feature being turned on, broke them all.

Was this automatically toggled on for all experiences within the last few days? Some of our animations no longer work properly. We tried turning it off, but that didn’t seem to fix anything.

Hi @PezzoGuy, this feature is still in opt-in phase, so you have to explicitly change the Workspace.ClientAnimatorThrottling property for it to affect your place. Could you please elaborate what issues you’re running into?

@Jaco2811 @PezzoGuy
There’s a very high likelihood that this other animation change is what broke your animations:

I’d recommend disabling Workspace.AnimationWeightedBlendFix to see if that fixes it, and if so, you can go from there


@bobvilla1n MrMauio is right; it turned out to be that other animation change that went live just recently, so never mind.

Thanks for following up, @PezzoGuy!

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Hi @Jaco2811, we would love more information regarding how your animations are breaking as a result of this change. We want to fix any issues you’re experiencing with the throttler so that you can benefit from the improved FPS in your game. Thanks!

That’s cool, but what if I want to animate a freeway chase? Should I combine animations and scripts? Of course, you can transfer TweenService to scripts and apply it to the PrimaryPart, but it will be costly and it will be difficult to adjust the time for animation.

Indeed, I found this out days ago. But my question is mostly, if this feature ever will be forced upon us, or if we’ll be able to disable it, as we can currently.

This is only part of the problem.

The second part is that the weighting on animations, become incredibly dull. Almost as if it’s constantly mixing the default T-pose, with the animation, to create some sort of hybrid between the two.
Let’s say we have an eating animation, where the head of our dinosaur perfectly reached the ground. With this enabled, it stops around halfway, because the weight on the animation, is wrong. It can also be a sprinting animation. With this enabled, the strides are only 50% as long as they were before enabling this setting.

If more visualisation is needed, I can provide that too.

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I do not like this change. At all.

I have a game that has 250+ animations and half of them look… very weird, even if I turn it on or off. This update kind of broke my game visually. Some of them look… really slow. The smoothness does not look very good on my animations, and trust me? They looked good before this update.

A fix or a way to >>PROPERLY<< turn this off would be wonderful.


@superhomer64, @Jaco2811, and everyone:

Hey folks, just wanted to share a quick update because some of you have been experiencing issues with your animations.

As of last week, we deployed a new feature that’s enabled by the Workspace.AnimationWeightedBlendFix property. This issue is not related to throttling, and that’s why some of you have already noticed that disabling the Workspace.ClientAnimatorThrottling property does not fix the issue. You can, however, disable the blending property for now until we introduce a fix. We have a fix for the blending issue in the works and should be out soon.

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I think they are referring to the unique animation limit being too low stuck at 10 and not allowing new animations to play, this has been an issue going on for years, will this ever be touched upon because many game including mine are dealing with it.

Not sure this has been mentioned to death, but animations that were supposted to be snappy/instantaneous at play has started to show up issues.
The biggest one from the issues i’m currently facing with is animations being delayed until the last animation finishes playing.
I tried forcing the animation weight at huge numbers and making it fadeTime to zero, didn’t work.
Not even disabling Workspace.AnimationWeightedBlendFix nor any other property that relates to animation throttling fixes it.

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This has caused a bug with animationevents on the last Keyframe, they no longer send a signal.
My game was temporarily disrupted because of this, perhaps it shouldn’t be forced onto games that haven’t been updated?

Thankfully I can disable this feature for now, however I look forward to enabling it when it gets fixed.

when will the Animations get Fixed?
my animations aren’t still working correctly after this update, it feels like [Idle] and [Core] are the same because i did 3rd Person Anims as Core and 1st person animations as Idle and they arent working correctly anymore, 1 month ago they where working correctly

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I don’t know if it is to do with this update however it would seem logical since after the date of this, all animations I use in my game haven’t worked correctly when using an animation GUI. the animations appear to only half work.

How do you disable? I think my game is having a similar issue. The animations seem to be cut short.