I agree! I think they will roll it out, but hopefully the holding period is MUCH lower (2 days is way too damaging - but they mentioned “up to” 2 days, so hopefully the average is at most 5 hours or less tbh.)
this is an awfullllll update oh my lord. theres so many other work-arounds rather than killing trading entirely, the values are already dropping like flies
The trading period is not out yet - it’s not sensible to infer value decreases to the impending trading period update even if you have reasons to believe such because many other factors which also affect values exist (correlation=/=causation).
A lot of the items that have fallen are bigs, which are much less affected by panic selling, because they often have proof-based values, and are less in circulation. Plus it’s June, larger appreciations aren’t exactly to be expected until around starting October.
I’m against this trading period but I’m also against misinterpreting bc this comes off as fearmongering. Wait until this update is out
Every one of those items would’ve dropped either way.
But in the long run, smalls definitely won’t be doing well. People are already panic-upgrading into bigger items. (Thanks Calwina for correcting me)
I urge anybody at ROBLOX to repeal this decision. Account security is already crazy insane, with 2FA being required for suspicious trades. If this change is made to stop the stealing of limited items, there are so many things they can STILL use to bypass this.
Some examples could be uploading illicit material to the victims account, taking at best 3 days for ROBLOX support to accept their appeal (if ever), or just targetting inactive accounts.
The harm this causes to traders far outweighs how much this change will hurt compromisers.
TL;DR ROBLOX already has insane protection for limited stealing, this is such an unnessecary change that it will end up hurting real traders more than hackers.
Disagree. A lot of people will be turned off from trading smalls if they have to wait 2 days just to make a 500 rap or 1k profit and will decide to sell their smalls for low. If no one wants to trade smalls they will all eventually drop in rap/value.
Not a trader, but i feel this was indeed a response after feedback and not them lying (there’s literally no logical reason to do an update like this otherwise), said feedback being to give more safety and security towards trading because it’s a massive problem.
Logically they’re going to employ the security methods that work well on other platforms, those being holding periods to give breathing room to act against a scam, but from what i’ve seen it might not work alongside roblox’s own trading community.
I really feel like it just boils down to being out of touch with the community more than anything.
Still hasn’t been pushed. Wondering if Roblox scrapped the idea.
7:33pm est and it still hasnt been pushed. roblox headquarters gonna shut down for the night, still curious to see if they are gonna push it
It’s been pushed. When sending a trade, the information about the holding period states items may be held for up to 30 days. Good job at announcing such a terrible update and making it even worse after implementing it.
I’m hoping Roblox just pasted the holding period description and didn’t actually set the holding period to 30 days instead of 2 as announced
and this is the worst possible vartant of the update great job roblox
i will now be ditching this platform probs cya was fun
mfw roblox ruins a perfectly functional decade old system
it’s a canon event
And there you have it, trading is officially done for. Congrats Roblox, honestly didn’t think you’d go this low but at this point I’m not even surprised. Might as well make trading available for non-premium users since premium is basically worthless now as you’ve removed literally every single benefit it gave.
good job removing limited trading I hope your stock crashes, oh wait it already did because your company sucks
WE should add fuel to the fire, roblox should be ashamed for this terrible change they made and that they should change it, however roblox listens to NO ONE, they made this devfourm with comments and they dont read or respond to them they should realize this was a terrible mistake and fix it