Updating a Game without Shutting Servers Down [No Soft-Shutdown]

please just reply if you have the knowledge

I wanna update my games without shutting the servers down (soft shutdown included). I actually dont know how to really do it, but maybe someone already has a working system and can write the basic process of how to do it.

I actually thought about a script that checks for a new Version via Database

Problem: When it has a new Version how do i teleport the People directly to a new Server without any annoying shutdowns that include double teleports (player loss)

Can i just reserve everyone that is on a old server a new server and teleport them over?


I’ve made a system that teleports to an external lobby for 60 seconds and teleports back to the main experience.

You can just use the migrate to latest update feature.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but as far as I know, roblox automatically stops connecting players to the server and just waits until the players leave.
(Connect will still be possible to older server, but it would make the player have to click to join on the specific server with older version.)

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Make use of MessagingService. It helps with cross-server communication and you can notify that update (even in RobloxStudio if you have API access enabled) in every server. and you need to just add a callback function. hope this helped.

Sample Code:

Server / In-Game:

local MessagingService = game:GetService("MessagingService")

MessagingService:SubscribeAsync("update", function()
 --your thingies here

Script / PlayTest Server:

game:GetService("MessagingService"):PublishAsync("update", true)

I really hope this helped. thanks.

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ty imma try this one and look into it deeper

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