This script shows the price of an item to the player through a textLabel. After the player buys an item the textLabel does not update to the new price.
local upgrades = script:WaitForChild('UpgradesIntValue') ---UpgradesIntValue is an IntValue under StarterPlayer and it’s value is set to 1
local increase = 1.5
while true do
script.Parent.Text = upgrades.Value*increase
If you’re using a loop without any yield, Roblox stops it. Try adding a yield like wait
local upgrades = script:WaitForChild('UpgradesIntValue') ---UpgradesIntValue is an IntValue under StarterPlayer and it’s value is set to 1
local increase = 1.5
while true do
script.Parent.Text = upgrades.Value*increase
I dont know what your trying to do but for the loop maybe try adding a wait()
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Worth saying: you should probably opt to use an event here instead of a loop. If the UpgradesIntValue is the one changing and you want to track the value of that, I suggest using the Changed event. This way, the code that updates the text only ever runs when the value changes, not constantly.
Always try to use event-based approaches in your system where possible. Only use a loop if it’s necessary that you do so and where RunService may not suffice or be desirable for your use case.
local upgrades = script:WaitForChild("UpgradesIntValue")
local increase = 1.5
local function updateText(newValue)
script.Parent.Text = newValue * increase