Updating Accessory Attachment positions on the client does not update, whereas on the server it does

When in the client, moving the position of the attachment in my DOGE accessory does not update it on my screen. However, I can go into server mode and update it there and it’ll replicate to the client. I’m not asking for changing attachment positions on the client to replicate, just for the ability to change them locally and have them update on the client’s own screen. I wanted to tween accessories locally on the client for some neat visual effects, but I’m unable to do that. This happens every time.


Yeah, this bug is breaking a necessary feature of my upcoming game, Diaper Simulator :no_entry_sign::toilet: :frowning_face:


If welds are still handled on the server, I have a feeling this bug is caused by the server not seeing the change in the attachment’s position. Not really sure how this could be addressed without making local welds.

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Why does the server need to see the change in the attachment’s position?

Seeing CodeWriter set my post as the solution (although gone?), it looks like my guess is correct. The server handles the C0 and C1 properties of the weld for the hat, which is based off the attachment’s position. Since the server doesn’t see the change in the position, it can’t make the needed change to the C0/C1 properties of the weld.

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I unmarked it because I didn’t think whoever marked it understood my question, but I understand your wording better now knowing that welds aren’t done locally at all (?) which is ridiculous.

What’s also annoying is this code:

local doge = script.Parent:WaitForChild("DOGE")
local newDoge = doge:Clone()
newDoge.Parent = script.Parent

…destroys my old doge and gives me a new one the server doesn’t know about which even welds correctly, and it still isn’t able to be moved.

This bug is back, not sure if it was a Roblox update that broke it or a change in hats. Any help with this still?

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