Updating daily reward when player is offline

Hi there! I was trying to create a daily reward chest and it works, but there is 1 problem, when a player logs off I want the time to save when they’re offline. I’m currently using Data Store 2 and Nothing has really worked. Here is some code that I tried:

local NotifyDaily = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").NotifyDaily

	local timeNow = os.time()

	if plr:WaitForChild("stats").DailyRewardTimer ~= nil then
		local lastClaimed = timeNow - plr.stats.DailyRewardTimer.Value

		print("Time since last claimed " .. lastClaimed)

		if (lastClaimed / 3600) >= hourWait then
			plr.stats.DailyRewardTimer.Value = 0

The printing statement gives me a huge number something like 460k. I tried that because I want it to convert to hours.