Updating game description and title does not go through consistently

[Bug Behavior]
When changing the description and title of our experience, it seems like the changes rarely successfully get applied even though it says “Changes saved successfully”.

Usually, I have to copy and paste the new game description (because it keeps getting lost) and attempt 10+ times of trying to save the changes until it suddenly decides to go through.

I have constantly refreshed both the creator hub page and the actual live game website and do not notice descriptions reflected correctly.

What it looks like on the creator hub.
Changes sometimes show up and disappear when refreshing.

What players actually see if they repeatedly refresh our game page on a new update. Very inconsistent and confusing.

Even our players are confused about the description not updating when we rolled out our recent update

[What we expect]
Immediate changes of the description and title to be reflected in the Creator page and live game page.


Thanks for the report.

I’ll follow up shortly on the status.


Thanks for this report! A couple of questions about this:

  • How often does this occur?
  • When this does occur, are the changes always eventually successful?
  • How long is the delay between the initial changes, and it being displayed properly?

This occurs every time with place ids 292439477, 104923451, and 299659045.
I tried changing the description on a newer place such as 17747738649 and it updated instantly.

This leads me to wonder if there are extra restrictions or some filtering layer that’s holding up updating descriptions and titles of places that have an active player base.

So far, the changes always appear to be eventually successful.
Whenever I change the game title, I can see that the live page URL of the place immediately also reflects the title changes, but not the title or description itself.

The delay is easily longer than 5 minutes, could be a few hours. I lose track because after 5 - 15 minutes of refreshing intermittently and nothing changing, I eventually move onto something else.

After a couple hours, I can usually come back to see the changes go through.

However, there’s still a period of time where you can refresh the page and see both the old and new version popping in and out. I don’t know how long it takes for that to settle. Maybe half a day or more and then I can reliably only see the new version text shown when loading the page.


Hello, checking back in on this thread. Are you still seeing this issue?

Yes, I am still seeing a delay which currently still take upwards of 15 minutes to an hour for a description or title update to go through.

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I am also seeing this exact same issue consistently. Sometimes when changing the title, the title will update in the game’s URL but not on the game page, even on a browser that has never accessed roblox before.