Uplaoding images to roblox distorts quality and shrinks size

After uploading this image to roblox, I put it in an imagelabel and it ended up making the actual resolution of the image smaller (on the x axis) and made it blurry. Any solutions or maybe I’m doing something wrong?

as you might know but forgot, the limit is 1024x1024,
Your spritesheet image is 1696×16, so it will be compressed to 1024, there is no alternaltive aside to make it into 2 images instead (or 2 column in 1 image)

Damn, you’d think they’d improve that over the years.

1024 x 1024 is still 4096 16 pixel icons.

if you have your sprites available as individual images, try dropping them into this sprite sheet generator. you can set it to compact and download the generated sprite sheet: Stitches - An HTML5 sprite sheet generator

Is there a sprite sheet → sprites → compact sprite sheet