Upload Custom Materials in the New Material Service Beta

this image keeps getting moderated, no matter the name.
It’s plaster.

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I don’t know man, kind of looks like a bannable offense to me.

All jokes aside, maybe it’s because the system thinks there is unreadable text on it?


Roblox DevForum Community: Wait… it’s all beans?

@tyridge77 loads gun always has been

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Realistic this realistic that no no lets get some cartoony back in style

On a side note can we just talk about how freaking cool the terrain blending system is :exploding_head:


Why does it only appears in studio? Is the beta out?


How do you change terrain materials? This looks really cool though, especially the blending!


It should be releasing either in release 510 or 511 depending on how stable it is.
I used RobloxStudioModManager to get access to it


That’s hot i cant wait for this i was hoping there would be custom terrains


Studio mod manager sadly says it’s a virus, could be a false positive but idk could be false cause i mean it’s pushing code into your existing roblox studo


I can confirm it’s perfectly safe I’ve been using it for a few years now.

It’s made by @Maximum_ADHD which is a very cool and trusted developer


Only issue is that you need to disable your firewall, at least on Windows 10. Only reason I didn’t do that is because, it sounds like a lot of work

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Adding onto that, he’s made a lot of popular & awesome games, and is a trustable person amongst the roblox community.

Welcome to Roblox Building - Roblox

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It’s not that hard actually, you just go to settings and look for the AntiVirus or Windows Security section.

Please don’t quote me on this!

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When it did it the first time I allowed it then set an excursion so it doesn’t attempt to delete itself due to windows thinking it’s a virus


I’ll probably just wait anyway, wouldn’t want to spoil the end result for myself. :laughing:

That’s alright, it’s still a bit buggy anyways such as the terrain color stilling using the basecolor instead of colors from its set color

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It’s best to wait until this feature comes out instead of using a third party software that brings those features over from how buggy and unfinished it is.


It doesn’t “bring the feature” over artificially - it enables you to see unreleased features from sitetest release candidate Studio builds as well as being able to locally enable or disable FastFlags, which can also be responsible for whether features are active or not.


It’s worth noting the terrain implementation isn’t fully functional yet - terrain colour settings (game.Workspace.Terrain.MaterialColors) do not currently affect the colour of the diffuse/albedo, and it’s currently a coin toss as to whether metalness maps want to render on terrain properly (sometimes they either fail to render or look weaker than on part material).

Pretty cool to see what’s coming/ahead in the near future, though.


Yeah those are all things I experienced while messing around with it