Hey guys. I wondering if it’s possible to do this but for our custom textures:
Both images are the same block of grass terrain but from different perspectives. Most default terrains like this one have multiple textures on them. In this case, one of the textures is the grassy part on top of the block and the other is the dirt texture on the sides of the block. However, when I use a custom texture, the same texture is used on the “top” and “side” parts of the terrain.
In this image with the default textures, it looks real because there are 2 different textures on the “top” parts and on the “side” parts of the terrain. I was wondering if this is possible on custom terrain too.
This is using a fairly standard wrapping move, available in most competent image editors (i.e. RealWorld Paint). It’s extremely easy to make tiling textures using it, and also extremely easy to spot badly-tiling textures.
It would be great if we could override terrain materials even if the MaterialVariant is based on another material. Currently, it’s impossible to have 2 materials that are based on the same base material. For example, I wanted to recreate old roblox terrain by making all the materials use concrete as their base, so that they would look blocky and voxel-y, but that can’t be done currently.
An amazing example is the WoodPlanks material. Its random offsets will always be floored, that way the visual effect of 1 stud = 1 plank width is always preserved, while still maintaining a random offset to break up uniformity.
To sum up, are there any plans for a more intuitive random texture offset on a by-material (or fully customizable) basis in the future? Thanks
Can someone explain to me how the old materials will be preserved once this rolls out? The old materials don’t use conventional maps so I’m not sure how they’d be maintained.
Had the time today to create my own “Lava” texture using nodes in Blender!
This feature is absolutely awesome, can’t wait It’s fully released for servers!
Custom terrain materials are disabled now. Will be back when issues are solved. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Good news: per-part custom variant is coming to beta soon™. Stay tuned.