Upload Custom Materials in the New Material Service Beta

Is per-part custom materials coming any time soon?

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This is it, but thereā€™s no timelineā€¦

Is there any update on this? I am still experiencing it, iā€™ve made more textures completely B&W and it still appears green. Like is this something Studio does on its own? cause itā€™s not my lighting setup or anything

are these enabled with fast flags? if so which ones

What material are you using here?

Check here:

This color mixes with your color texture.

Iā€™m talking about the custom terrain, not parts

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Just any of the terrain options

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I am sorry guys if i spam but
Are PER-PART pbr material customisation coming soon?
i really need that for my poject i am working on now

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It isnā€™t even released to the public yet. Itā€™s still in the mod manager. It could take months for it to even be in a beta phase. Plus, As I mentioned before:

It isnā€™t safe to base projects on betas, yet so many people do it. We have to make due with what we have, and be patient for whatā€™s to come. At least Roblox Engineers are actually listening to our requests, which is a great job on their part.


i swear i cant hold it longer i want it right now!! :sob:


Also since im back here, i would ask if it would be possible to add lighting refractions for ā€˜glassā€™ objects so it would add 200x the realism we would have?

Edit: i will show what the difference is since im back here

This is how glass looks in roblox using a normal map to try and make it refract i also added a piece of glass without material behind it which doesnt look amazing but it tries to replicate it


Meanwhile in games such as beamng you could get refraction (using blender to show what i mean)

And yes i know this is blender but if the glass in roblox has the ability to refract why wouldnt custom materials be able to?


Still happening, Iā€™ve just started dealing with it because I canā€™t just not use terrain while we wait for them to fix it lol

What do you see as the functional difference of making a totally custom base material vs. a variant of an existing one?

This was working yesterday, and today I get to find out if something broke, or if my texture of green grass was moderated. This wasnā€™t moderation, but its a commentary on the current state of affairs.

Iā€™m here to report that MaterialService reset itself overnight. Not a repeatable bug.

This is really amazing news, love when you guys improve on material and 3d modeling aspects, canā€™t wait to see the great uses from this!!

This would mostly benefit terrain although benefits towards parts could apply depending in the situation

Lets say I wanted to create a building game where you can generate infinite terrain but the texture doesnā€™t match what you want? Or even if you didnt want the texture you just want the shape so you have a clean canvas to work off.

What your gonna do for that game is have all the basic materials

  • Grass | Smooth
  • Rock | Flat
  • Mud | Smooth
  • Ground | Smooth
  • Snow | Smooth

Okay so now we have a few materials

We got some nice smooth materials and flat ones as well but what if I didnt want that? What If Iā€™m trying to make a cool cartoony game like this?

Weā€™ll throw in some flat materials so what do we have to do to achieve that though?
Grass > Cobblestone
Rock > Rock
Mud > Basalt
Ground > Pavement
Snow > Cracked Lava

See now that looks closer to the result Iā€™m wanting, but now what if I wanted more materials?

I now have no flat materials to use, and the unfinished grass feature I cant use that on my new grass visual cause thatā€™s ā€œtechnicallyā€ cobblestone. Not grass, it may looks like grass but its not grass. Grass is green and well thisā€¦ I guess it is grass but it doesnā€™t have any grass? So what do would I do now? Well I could use my own grass but the quality wonā€™t exactly be the same.

If we had options to create new materials entirely a few of the additional settings Iā€™d want

  • Height - amount of deformation that can occur with it
  • Grass - Can grass be overlayed on that terrain type

Thats really all I have others may have more thoughts than what I do. what Iā€™d really want is an entire revamp of the current water system or even if real time vertex creation/deformation was created so we can have improved water systems without having to create a large bone scale in blender then importing it to roblox everytime we want decent looking water.


Seems like both terrain and part materials are now combinedā€¦? Why though. Now weā€™re even more limited on materials.

EDIT: This post was made before I saw the new update.

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Iā€™ve just been adding materials as I need them and wonā€™t be a heavy user of this. It is convenient for my very simple, flat terrain.

I had a place I was working on the past few days that used probably 13 different materials, and now theyā€™re all scrambled.

Before anyone tells me ā€œdonā€™t base your projects on experimental featuresā€ again, I have been waiting 7+ years for this feature to come out, a time span in which babies have been born and signed up for roblox. So I will be using this feature as often as possible despite the early access state itā€™s in.