Upload Custom Materials in the New Material Service Beta

Ah, I see what you’re talking about now. I’ve used the properties tab for as long as I can remember, so I can’t relate with thr majority of people.


Hope this will be available to access/edit through scripts soon, so I can create more unique material footstep sounds easily.

That’ll be cool however where would you even get the sounds?

I’m sure you can find a few online or make them yourself.

Where do we send a message to get a moderated texture approved?
It seems like I cant ever upload any texture without it getting moderated.

Did they remove the terrain override option?

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Not sure if anyone has noted this, but when you do re-evaluate the new materials, make sure you change the way wood, woodplanks and concrete looks. In my opinion, the new wood and woodplanks is too dirty and there’s too much influence on the colour. The old one looks a lot better, but doesn’t fit the new materials. I’ve had to go into the files, take the new texture, and edit it myself to get a better result, but I feel like you guys can just change it yourself to make it better. The concrete texture is more accurate to real concrete, but it has too much light influence and looks really bad. The old one is a lot less reflecting of light and it looks better. Also the new one looks too patchy whereas the old one is more consistent.

Also, add a strength slider for textures. Some textures are too prominent and I’d like the ability to change the opacity of them with a slider, not sure if this is too much or not but I thought I’d suggest it.

Now let’s pray they find this.

In my opinion roblox needs more realism for this material update so i don’t agree HOWEVER, strength slider like blender and substance would be cool. You could have a slider for the dirtyness or any other part of the material.


What don’t you agree with? The wood, woodplanks and concrete are all bad imo. They don’t have to be any less ‘real’ looking, they just have to be cleaner.

Exactly! And in the dropdown, they weren’t ordered from A to Z, so now I’m like: “Oh wait, where was the grass again? No no no, THAT’S glass. Oh, here it is.”

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This is a life saver! I can finally use custom materials to make a metallic sword. :slight_smile:


And realistic builds :smiley: I cant wait to see the future of this because i know it has a lot more updates in store for it


When will they work on all devices? I don’t really understand what has to be done to get it to work on other devices.

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Everything seems to work fine. I don’t know if this should be asked here, but it would be cool if you were able to set roughness of the material with a number variable or something. I know roughness map exists but some textures don’t come with it and having this option to set it manually would look better. E.g. this concrete wall would look better if it was less “shiny” https://gyazo.com/25de797a8bd07d40826c18f221394d3f


What is the max texture res we are able to use per channel and does roblox use DirectX or OpenGL for normals?


They already work on PC and mobile
/tablet (iOS AND Android) which is probably 95% of your playerbase anyway.

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Is there a release date on when this will become public in experiences?

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Yeah, I know they work on PC, but they do not seem to work on a tablet. Maybe it’s not out for America yet? I really have no clue. I’m probably just doing something wrong.

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Max res is 1024x1024 and downsamples images if they are a higher resolution automatically. Roblox uses OpenGL normal maps.


You can message Mod_Review_Requests to ask about moderated assets. I had to do this once.

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