Upload failed. Make sure what you're uploading is an image

Can’t upload these 4 files, while the rest, and an additional test, seemed to work just fine.

Tried renaming them from their original shortened names, the success of the outcome should be obvious, i tried uploading something else, that worked fine (as seen in the video (also, the last few seconds there is a “success” message which just links to the previously uploaded test one))
Ask me for any details, i am lost.

ive had this happen to me too!! im pretty sure it’s just a bug.

try pasting the images into a new file and change one (1) pixel to black in the corner. that usually works for me.

It didn’t seem to work.
I don’t know what to put here since it has to be longer.

For anyone seeing this, i am totally fine if it is just completely impossible to upload them, and i have to find another solution or downscale the textures, i really just want to know what to do for the textures to upload.

Welp, must’ve been just massive file problems or something, i guess uploading a 4000/4000 at the size of 268 mb is quite enough for roblox to say no, if that is the case then it should be a little more obvious in the error message, but for now my solution is just downscaling it.