Uploaded Clothing (Classic) Visual Bug

Reproduction Steps

  1. Upload a classic clothing item (shirt or pants)

Expected Behavior
It should have a proper thumbnail for preview

Actual Behavior
For the thumbnail, and only for the thumbnail, it shows a repeating pattern of the texture for the shirt/pants.

This is how it looks in the store for the group itself

This is how it looks when you preview it on the page for the clothing item

However, when you actually put it onto your avatar, it works as expected.

Issue Area: Roblox Website
Page URL: FNAF Online Clothing - Roblox
Impact: Moderate
Frequency: Constantly
Date First Experienced: 2022-04-19 07:04:00 (-05:00)


disable your browser extensions then reupload!! that fixed it for me

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This is also happening to some pants that I’ve been wearing for a long while before this bug was seen.
The pants still look normal when worn, but the preview has the template tiling issue. The preview was not like this before.

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Successfully reproduced bug and found the solution. Disable ad-blocker when uploading to the site for both advertisements and clothing. This fixes any website bugs in regards to uploading.


This still happened to some clothes that I didn’t make which I’ve been wearing for a while that had existed before this issue though, so is it really a browser issue?

I checked these pants in a different browser (Edge, I personally use Opera GX) with all extensions disabled and it still looks like this.

That’s really odd, Ad-Blocker disabled fixed it for me.

To add to this, I have this issue as well on clothing I made back in April 2020, adblocker is off too.

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