Can confirm that it is refusing to upload any of my badges. It is infuriating that the website upload feature was removed before it was confirmed that the alternative works. It feels like there’s a quota to remove web features and someone gets fired if it isn’t met in time.
First post I’ve seen covering this issue. I have followed the instructions (Badges | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub) thoroughly day after day and the badge still wouldn’t upload. I’m unsure if badges require some sort of exact .png formatting or what it is.
Damn right, If a feature is gonna be removed in order for a new feature to take its place, then at least it should be checked if said new feature truly does work.
Having this same issue. Pretty frustrating that the site version worked just fine and now we are stuck with broken studio as only way to upload badges.
^ also robux place-holder isn’t correct R$ amount
Oddly enough, after several hours of pending the thumbnail appears in the configuration menu, but it refuses to recognize it as an image. I’ve tried PNG and JPG formats, with both previews eventually loading but unable to complete the transaction. Does Studio not understand its own definition of “image”…?
Engineering team is still actively looking into this issue and releasing a patch soon. Unfortunately, we don’t have an ETA at this time but will keep you up to date about the status.