Uploading Musics from YouTube Audio Library on Roblox

Hello, everybody!

Around some days, the Roblox platform had a significant community event by the name of RB Battles (Roblox Battles). RB Battles is a competition between well-known Roblox Content Creators a part of the Video Star Program playing many experiences that the Roblox community have been suggesting over the years to be selected. On another side of the event, it contains lore behind the scenes as well as in order to earn accessories as rewards once completing missions.

RB Battles had a season 3 (2022-2023), where while having pre-recorded videos of the competitors challenging the final tournament, strange moments have been entering the universe of the event, including a “mystery” ending (that we may not know if it is going to keep up with its tale). During the moments before being able to see the conclusion, it was revealed that the experience contained a lot of soundtracks published within the YouTube Audio Library such as Athena:

Noticing so, this led me to questions that I am stuck to understand, are you able to upload kinds of music from YouTube to the Roblox platform freely or you are able to as long as it is licensed/authorised by the artist?

If anyone is able to help me regarding this little question, that would be appreciated, especially as to comprehend further what it can be allowed on the website as audio.

Thank you!


roblox doesn’t allow copyrighted music due to a lawsuit from various artists at 2022-03-23T00:00:00Z but there are rumors that roblox is reverting the update back because Warner Music Group is going to do an roblox event and they sued roblox last year for letting people upload copyrighted music for $200,000,000

so the answer is NO

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Did a little bit of research and came to the conclusion that any music on the YouTube Audio Library can be used for commercials, film, and other uses as being royalty-free as well as safe from copyright block.

Use music and sound effects from the Audio Library - YouTube Help.

I don’t believe that means you have the right to distribute, though. Correct me if I’m wrong.