Uploading Textures from Substance Painter go ultra contrasted / black?

So whenever I upload this texture: https://imgur.com/52emsLc

it turns way black, here’s an example of the newest upload I’ve had: https://www.roblox.com/library/2169333632/sp-scope-2

Is there something wrong with the texture or the PSD file? or what, i would really like to be able to use this texture in ROBLOX and it would be pretty sad if I couldn’t as I worked really hard on it :frowning:

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I Thought it would be the Transparency, but i was wrong :thinking:
Despite i am unable to know the actual issue, i am not empty handed ! here is a fixed version :

EDIT : oh ok they actually rejected it.

All I know is that if you use Microsoft paint all transparency becomes white.

I feel like the issue lies with the alpha map.

Roblox roughly supports alpha maps, so what you want to do is, export your texture as a file format that doesn’t have an alpha map. An example being .jpg

I also feel like there’s a version of .png you can use that removes alpha maps.

I threw it into photoshop on a hunch and a prompt came up about it having an embedded color profile. From what I can glean from google, this can cause the appearance to vary between places that support them (browsers, some image editors, etc) and places that don’t (Roblox, which scrubs most if not all metadata from imported images).

I’m not very familiar with how color profiles work, but hopefully that at least points you in the right direction. For what it’s worth, it seems fine if I throw it into PS and select “Convert document’s color to the working space” and save it like that.