Uploading too "large" videos to the forum

You saw how great the forum is at file hosting. It cant handle 3 second 10 mb videos. Your obs bitrate too high but you want it to stay like that? Now is your chance to upload them to the forum.

So, method 1., 8mb.video

This ^^ compressor is pretty decent and sometimes even converts your 100 mb files to 4 mb!! thats unbelievable!, there are some cons though.

  1. Its an online compressor, so you have to pass the files to their server, which means you will have to upload the large files at their server,
  2. in my experience, it only works well with mp4 videos.
  3. 2 gb limit.

lets go to the next method
method 2. youtube.

If you dont wanna compress your videos, youtube is a no brainer. so just upload the video, then link it in the forum, cons:

  1. the file is large so you have to put it on their server which will be your internet size - the file size
  2. “i expected entertainment not a dumb clip”
  3. takes kind of long to upload

next method
method 3. handbrake (this one is my favourite)

this compressor is literally insane. I do not have a single con of it yet, its also kind of fast if you configure it correctly, and whats amazing is that it turned my 8 gb video into just >>>> 100 mb!! thats freaking amazin, you can even pass the 100 mb file to 8mb.video after if your video file is long or still not accepted, here is how to use it:

upload your file, I ASSUME YOUR FILE IS 60 FPS

Make it “web optimized”
make it 720p

make the fps 48 (it should look very similar to 60 fps) and make the constant quality lower quality a bit, then make the encoder preset medium.

start encoding and watch most of the file size vanish

hope you liked my tutorial on how to pass files to the forum
please suggest more video compressors or efficient video hosters
and feedback is appreciated


Be aware that YouTube limits daily uploads to prevent abuse.

To combat this, you can just ‘unlist’ the videos so they don’t appear in recommendations or search.

I’ve used this converter to varying results, if you have any text in the video, don’t use it, your text becomes practically invisible (as detail is sacraficed for a smaller video size) also, be aware that for up to 20 minutes your video files could (possibly?) be intercepted by someone (as your files stay on the server for that length of time)

If you are getting this large of video files, you probably need to decrease your quality in your recorder settings.

Will say for anyone who decides on using this, Handbrake defaults to m4v files (rather than mp4), some services won’t accept m4v files (even though they are the same as mp4, just a different extension) so make sure you are exporting to a file ending in .mp4

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