Uploading UGC accessories in groups do not show up in recently published

Thanks so much for your assistance with this. Looking forward to updates! :relieved:

No, some items are not showing up at all after publishing. Out of around 200+ items i’ve uploaded I am now missing around 60 of them from my catalog still. When you put an item on sale, your item is supposed to publish to the page but some items do and other items do not. The items that have yet to appear to my catalog all have 0 sales and have been posted for either now a few hours or a few weeks.


The team has now rolled out a fix so the issue should be resolved. But please post if it is still not (examples would be helpful).

Could you check if you are able to see the items in your catalog now? Or if the number missing has at least gone down?

Once again, really appreciate your effort with this but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be fixed. I’ve attached a video below further demonstrating this issue which should hopefully assist you guys with finding a resolution. :slightly_smiling_face:

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The item is showing up now. Can you please check and confirm.

I’m aware - the issue is with the time it takes to show up, which can be up to an hour in some cases. Would appreciate if you read the entirety of this thread because I don’t really want to repeat what I’ve already said. :sweat_smile:

The solution to this issue is for y’all to remove the APIs cache system as a whole, so items appear instantaneously, as soon as they are put on-sale.

Let me know if you need further clarification or there’s anything else I can do to assist with your investigation. Appreciate the reply nonetheless!

This issue still has not been fixed. On my group wall Miracle Beauty some items have shown up on different pages other than where they should be. And I am still missing a handful of item!

In the image below on the group wall there are 5 skin tones available (shown in the green box) then on other faces (red boxes) random ones are thrown to random pages, messing up the sort. Where now the items (Purple Boxes) are displayed on the following pages.

In the next set of images, there is a kawaii blush face but around 40+ of the other items and colors are missing from the group store and the catalog but, are on sale and visible in inventory.

And im currently missing

Hope this helps!

Thank you for your response. We are looking at ways to improve the time taken to show the items.

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Thank you for reporting. Engineers are actively looking into this issue. Sorry for the inconvenience. We will have an update soon

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Thanks, just want to keep you posted on how its going so far currently, I have uploaded around 200+ accessories and only 2 of the new accessories are displayed on the catalog and group wall. All are on sale and visible. Another Bug I’ve noticed is an item will get accepted and then once published and put on sale it will be taken down and moderated.

inventory I have pages of faces that are not being displayed.

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Can you please check and confirm if the missing items are showing up.

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Yes all of my old and new items are showing up! But there is still issues with the publishing sorting order of items. All of the items below should not be mixed together as none of them were uploaded at the same time unless they are from the set.

They should be ordered based on the time of creation.

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Any updates on this issue? Appreciate the help. :slightly_smiling_face:

Engineers are still working on it. Will update you once I hear back from them. Thank you for your patience.


Yes, they current are not based on time of creation. Some are mixed in at the wrong time on both the normal and group catalog.

I’m currently facing another problem akin to what was described in the original post, separate from the cache issues I previously mentioned. Some of my newly uploaded UGC items, like this one, aren’t appearing in any search results, including the ‘Recently Created’ section. They’re also missing from my group store. This issue is adversely affecting my sales.

I am able to see this in recently created sort

Can you provide me the list of items which are not in order?

As of right now I am currently missing 360+ items from my catalog on top of items not being organized correctly!

In the first image below is the first page (out of 6) of my creator dashboard of missing accessories and then the second image is what is currently visible on my group wall store and catalog page.

As you can see in the images above, the faces are organized by color, head shape and design. In the image below on my catalog (recently updated tab) the faces (boxed in purple) are randomly placed causing shoppers to have a hard time finding the recolors they need.

But my creator dashboard shows the correct display order, which is how they were in fact uploaded. Some items are not displayed and others are lost by organization.

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