Upon changing MeshId, don't reset RenderFidelity and CollisionFidelity

As a Roblox developer, it is currently too hard to create environments that make extensive use of the CollisionFidelity and RenderFidelity properties.

My workflow consists of duplicating a MeshPart around that I just used and importing a new mesh on top of that existing one, through the properties pane.

However, when this happens, it resets both the CollisionFidelity and RenderFidelity properties, despite them being at what I wanted from the previous object.

While RenderFidelity is a choice that can be made more easily (generally set everything to Performance that isn’t a key gameplay feature) CollisionFidelity typically requires some manual review because Default can often generate a less desired shape with many. There are cases like CanCollide false objects that get set to Box because they’ll never need their collision as well.

A theoretical workaround would be to create all of the assets first, set their properties and then dupe them around, but I don’t think that’s realistic to expect especially in such a quickly iterative process such as environment design.

If this issue was addressed, I’d simply be able to grab an object with the properties I desire, change its’ MeshId and quickly move onto the next object. When working with a lot of different assets that have varied fidelity properties, it’s sometimes more convenient to set these properties early on so I don’t tediously change each asset’s settings afterwards. My development experience would involve less messing around changing properties and creating more environments, faster.


This behaviour is really frustrating when optimising map geometry and refactoring large amounts of meshes at once.

Understandably there are technical reasons for it, but it makes working with meshes incredibly exhausting.


I don’t like this behavior at all, it also resets the part’s size to the mesh’s size when I often don’t want that when doing mesh replacements. We need a more fleshed out import dialog when using the mesh id field in the properties widget, this is the most intuitive and convenient place to upload a new mesh in my workflow and many others’ and it’s also the oldest and most crusty piece of studio related to uploading meshes.