Hey guys, I’ve been working on a cathedral for a client. This is how it looks so far:
Is there anything I can do to improve it?
Btw I’ve been basing it off this

Also if u reading this im sorry @Heartless808s
Hey guys, I’ve been working on a cathedral for a client. This is how it looks so far:
Its really nice. I love the details.
First thing, the garage door on the right side. On the image, it has smooth edges. I suggest you fix that.
The left side tower doesn’t seem to match that of the image, it’s not sharp enough. The window frames could use an extra layer of detail.
I see what you tried to do with the cylinders, but honestly, I advise you just do a double-layered part instead. The cylinders make it look like it’s taken straight from the toolbox. Giving me free model vibes.
The material combo you went with here doesn’t feel right. I suggest you do all concrete, and perhaps metal for the cross and doors.
Other than that, great work. Keep it up!
What do u mean double layered part? Could u give me an image? @Vikinglaw
I agree it does look a bit free modelly… but just to get things straight, I have not used one free model in this build apart from the decal on the circle.
Oh… ok. I get it now! Thanks very much