Incident resolved.
Incident resolved.
Incident resolved.
Incident resolved.
What is your PC’s graphics card?
Should help
This issue seems very odd. When did this start happening?
From the errors you have got it seems like it could be an issue Roblox’s end. I would consider making a bug report.
It started today and I haven’t done anything the previous day.
Looks like your terrain got corrupted or something.
How does that happen, I haven’t touched the terrain for weeks?
I’m not an expert, but I can tell you that the right place for this discussion would be right here: #platform-feedback-Studio-Bugs or #platform-feedback-Engine-Bugs
If there’s been a recent update on the game, try rolling back. You can see version history on the configure place page.
Also if it’s a team create ask if any of the other creators are able to enter successfully.
Definitely studio bugs if it only happens in edit and you can still play the game as normal.
It’s not owned by me it’s owned by @Lm2606 but I’m just a team create member so unfortunately I can’t revert versions. The error stopped after resetting my settings but loads of terrain is corrupt:
I never placed grass there and there are random spikes of snow.Your terrain definitely got corrupted. Idk how though.
Ask lm to revert to an earlier version where the terrain wasn’t corrupted. It might be that something went wrong when publishing/saving that version.
You could try to delete and redo that bit, but I wouldn’t trust it not to still be corrupt there. Roblox has filled it with the default (grass) to fill the gaps, but that doesn’t mean it’s fixed and ready to continue with. I’d roll back for safety.
It might not fix the problem, if it is something that is wrong with the way smooth terrain works.
True, I don’t think it’s intended to do that. I’d still file a bug report on it once you’ve gathered all the information, including the logs from those crashed sessions. Then Roblox can decide if it was a one-off caused by a brief drop in connection during save or if it’s something more serious.
Also, I am not a “hardware geek” but, VRam is Video Ram. And by the looks of it, methinks you ran out of vram, which caused studio to crash, which caused caused the terrain to get corrupted?