I’m making an admin panel but the only main issue I have right now is the way its opens. The hitbox of the images is a square on Roblox so the hovering breaks the UI effects.
Example of the hitbox: (Blue boxes are the hitbox)
Since your UI is radial, check if the mouse is close enough to the center of the UI, but not too close. This will easily let you determine if you’re pointing on the image instead of, well, not the image.
local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()
local ui -- Radial Menu
local min,max = 25,50 -- Start and End range in pixels
local function MouseOnRadialMenu()
local uicenter = ui.AbsolutePosition + ui.AbsoluteSize / 2
local mousecenter = Vector2.new(mousecenter.X,mousecenter.Y)
local distance = (uicenter - mousecenter).Magnitude
return min <= distance and distance <= max