[URGENT] Looking for a Scripter/UI Designer [50%]

About Us

Hello, I am Latte. I am a professional low poly builder. I have been building for a while, and have tons of experience.

The Team
@GreatLatte - Builder
@CouldBeYou - Scripter/UI

Progress will be provided on discord.

About The Job

I am looking for a professional scripter and UI designer, that has a good amount of experience scripting simulators. We are going to be splitting 50/50 as I would be building you would be doing the scripting. You would need to script everything a simulator entails. We can discuss all of that in discord DMs.


  • Proficient in Roblox LUA
  • Proficient in UI Design
  • Knowledge in using Monday or Trello
  • Age 14+
  • Good Communication
  • Has Microphone
  • Shows Professionalism


This would be a pair project so we would be splitting funds 50/50, and in the future hoping to make tons of robux.

Contact Us

You can contact me on discord.
My Tag: Idan#0069

Thanks for reading! and I can’t wait to work with you!

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